Chapter 27

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Twenty Seven - The newest member


Usual chatterrings and laughters can be heard at the open field inside the Hellion's den. Today is one of those days they need their usual weekly mandatory training.

Surprisingly, the girls were in a circle chatting altogether. They were happy to see that somehow, they were able to make Inha, D.O's newfound anima, feel very welcomed and they wouldn't let her feel uncomfortable around them, much to D.O's delight. In between their chattering, they also showed her small demos of their powers. They were hoping they could help Inha gradually acquire her powers by giving her information about the ability world bit by bit and get to know each of the Hellions at the same time.

"I don't think I'll entertain fangirls from now on nor tease them by flirting with them and ignore them the next day. I'm not going to do that again." Baekhyun mumbled as he laid himself on the grassy land under the tree where Lay can be found resting by himself.

"You can't do that. I know you can't." Lay scoffed.

"I'm serious." Baekhyun said lowly before placing his hands above his eyes to stop the sunlight from getting into his eyes.

"What made you even think about that? I mean, it's not like you." Lay wondered, now having his full attention on Baekhyun.

"Witnessing my hyung like this, I somehow feel... scared. I mean... like... what if by doing so, one girl suddenly catches my attention? But she comes out to be not my anima? And in the middle of that, my anima comes into the scene but my heart id already beating for someone else?" Baekhyun sighed heavily before taking back his hand and opening his eyes. "I don't know what I will do if that happens."

Lay was in awe. Total awe. His mouth went agape as if he witnessed something worth a record written in the Guiness Book of Records. A few seconds were engulfed by the silence before Baekhyun heard Lay give him a slow clap and teary eyes.

"H...hyung?" Baekhyun questioned. What's up with this old man?

"Congratulations Baekhyun! You're finally growing up!" Lay said happily.

Baekhyun gave him the 'are-you-serious' look before storming off somewhere. He felt embarrassed that he shared that thought with Lay. Much for a trusted hyung. Lay laughed as he watch Baekhyun leave with a pout on his lips. He was happy to know Baekhyun knew how to be mature despite his childish characteristics.

Everyone was still doing their own thing until Luhan saw two people approaching them. He squinted his eyes a bit until he was able to distinguish who it was. As he was able to recognize them, the floating book he was concentrating on dropped and unfortunately landed on his toes causing him to jump slightly at the impact and mutter a few incoherent words to himself.

"Xiumin hyung!" Sehun shouted, earning everyone's attention. He ran towards him but his steps halted when he saw Suho trailing after Xiumin. His eyes widened in surprise and confusion.

"Hey Sehun!" Xiumin greeted back.

They all halted on their activities the moment they saw the two coming together, the tension in the air starting to build. The last time they saw them together didn't end up great so seeing them together now makes them cautious of their surrounding.

[Hellion Brothers: Book #4] Aequor HeartWhere stories live. Discover now