Chapter Two

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Two - Lazy day


"Class dismissed."

Everyone cheered as their teacher announced the magic word they'd been dying to hear.

Days had passed since she first came here, and Yojeung was wondering why she even agreed to enter this university. She felt like she was just deteriorating inside the room, wasting her precious time when she can do something better than staying inside a room full of strangers and listen to what the professors keep blabbering about.

It's not that she hates schooling or whatnot. She actually loves studying and learning new things. It's just that there was this situation she knew was asking for her full attention.

She suddenly remembered her recent interaction this morning.


It was early in the morning and the sun was just starting to peek in the sky. The morning fog was still clearly visible, making her way quite blurry. And this is what she calls the 'smokey breath,' as smoke seemed to appear everytime she breathes.

This scene melts her like an ice under the sun every time. It's just that something about seeing the smokey breath touches her heart. That's guaranteed. And it sparks a small feeling of content and peace in her, so she continued her way to school smiling and even slightly hopping like a happy little schoolgirl, like she had just forgotten all her problems.

"Good morning, Ms. Lee."

She stopped in her tracks as she she heard a familiar voice approach behind her, her mood instantly changing 360°. She breathed deeply for a moment to calm herself before turning to face him. "Hi, Jong Ki oppa."

Song Jong Ki is a brother image to Yojeung, and they are on good terms. It wasn't because of him that her mood changed; it was because of the reason he came.

"I'm guessing that you're having a nice day." He said, smiling, as he went close to offer her a bearhug.

"I was hoping it would be." she answered, hugging him back. She looked up at him. "Did you get anything?"

He nodded as an answer.

"Is that the reason why you're here?" Yojeung asked, and he nodded again.

They went inside his car so he can privately explain what he knows with her full attention. This is something important to Yojeung, and Jongki knows it so well. "I am still going to check them all but don't worry. I know for sure that they are one of them. We're almost there."

He reassured, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"I hope so." she mumbled.

"Would you like me to take you to your university?"

"I am fine oppa. I can manage." she smiled.

"I was actually surprised I caught you in that state already. I was thinking I will see you still sleeping or newly wake up state but I was wrong. And you're too early for school, though." He said with a little hint of enthusiasm, attempting to cheer her up even for a bit, but to no avail.

"Come on baby girl, stop sulking! It's Song Jong Ki we're having here, okay? So you can be rest assured that we will find them in no time!" He beamed with a smirk.

"Aurgh! You and you're cockiness. Sheez."

And this gave them some fits of laughter.

[Hellion Brothers: Book #4] Aequor HeartWhere stories live. Discover now