Chapter 19

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Nineteen- DNA results


Splashes of sea waves. Whispers of the breeze. Touch of the sun's heat. Melody of the birds chirps. Dance of the grasses. Calmness that surrounds them.

Yojeung never thought she will miss it this soon when she just left the place hours ago, making her want to go back. She heaved out a sigh before hopping off Suho's car.

"Would you like to come in?" Yojeung offered to Suho, Xiumin and Baekhyun. They were about to decline when Kijun opened the gate of Yojeung's house.

"My dear! You're finally home!" He greeted in english before engulfing Yojeung in a fatherly hug. "And who are these young gentlemen you are with?"

"Dad. This is Suho, Xiumin, and Baekhyun. The others weren't able to go with us since they're home already." Yojeung introduced.

"How sad. I would have loved to meet all of them." He muttered.

"They're too many though. And we still have a lot of time to do that." She counterparted as she let Kijun take some of her things.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Lee." Xiumin said as he shook Kijun's free hand.

"The pleasure is mine." Kijun replied as he shook his hands and did the same to Baekhyun and Suho.

"Let's go inside and have some tea or coffee or anything to your liking. Take it as my gratitude of giving me back my daughter alive, healthy and well." He offered using korean as he ushered everyone inside.

"You speak korean?" Baekhyun asked, shocked.

Kijun chuckled at his cute reactions. "Yes, young lad. I speak korean. I'm actually korean."

"I thought I would struggle here searching for some english words." Everyone laughed slightly at Baekhyun before entering.

Suho, who can be found behind them was in a state of total nervousness. Though it wasn't the first time he entered the house, it was the first time he will enter it with Yojeung's parents around. He was so nervous of what her parents might think of him.

They settled themselves on the couch--in which he had laid Yojeung back when she was drunk--and waited for Yeojeung's mother to come in with their drinks. He shared a look with Xiumin before looking away, only to find an aquarium with nothing but a pair of Koi fish swimming together.

"I got it just recently." Yojeung said when she noticed him looking at it. "I don't know why but I keep dreaming of it. I feel attached to them too when I passed by a petshop so I bought it and took it home."

"That's nice," Baekhyun mumbled. "Hyung loves water creatures as well."

"You know why Baekhyun." Suho deadpanned.

"Hello everyone." Seolji greeted in korean, carrying a tray of drinks and some snacks. "Make yourself at home."

They greeted each other and talked for a while so that they wouldn't be disrespectful towards her parents. Fortunately, they got along just fine before deciding it's time to bid their goodbyes and go back to their own houses.

As soon as they left, Jongki went out of the guest room he was using. "The third guy seems new to me."

"That's Baekhyun. You met him already when I was rushed to the school clinic." Yojeung explained. "So? How is it?"

"I already gave the samples. We only have to wait for the result of the DNA test." He explained as he sat in front her.

"I don't think I need to wait to know the truth. I finally found her and that's it."

[Hellion Brothers: Book #4] Aequor HeartWhere stories live. Discover now