Chapter 43

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There was nothing she can hear.


There was nothing she could see. She felt as if all her senses were taken away from her.

Where am I?

""I don't want to hurt you Yojeung. Please! Wake up!"

It was a distant voice. And it sounded familiar. It was the same as someone she knew. But who?

She can picture a man with a pretty face. She knew to herself that she knew him. But why couldn't she seem to remember?

"What happened to me anyway?" Yojeung mumbled to herself.

Just then, flashes of her memories came into view.

Oh right.

It was her birthday. It was a special day. It's been a while since she felt this happy and she was glad the Hellions made her happy on the day she thought she would be the saddest and the loneliest of all the people. However, the Hellions turn it the other way round.

She was happy. So much that she forgot about anything and everything in the world. All she cared about were the Hellions and her families.

However, that was changed when that night, her nightmare visited her.

It was the worst nightmare of all the nightmares she had. Everything in that dream felt so real that she thought it was actually happening. When she woke up, she can't even be happy that it was only a dream because her emotions were too overwhelming to handle.

She killed Gab. And in her dreams, she also did it to them. She hurt them.

Because of too much grief, loneliness, and anger, she started to randomly attack. Even the hellions. She drowned her parents. She killed her friends. She strangled her brother. And the worst, she killed Suho with her very own hands and he died looking directly at her. Hurt, pain, agony, disappointment; all of them are present in his eyes that night. Everything was so vivid that she felt every bit of emotion coursing through her.

She woked up bathing in her own sweat. Her breathing was so rapid that she can't breath properly. Her whole body was shaking. She looked at her hands with too much fear.

That was when she realized, she can never do something good in her life.All she can give them was disaster. She was a disaster.

She will only hurt them. If she stayed with them, they'll just get killed in the end. And that was what she would never want to happen.

She changed her pyjamas into a blue shirt, a black hoodie and pants then silently ran out of their house. The moment she stepped out of the door, she argued to herself whether to really do it or talk it out with them. She hated to admit it, but she never wanted to let go of them. She wanted to stay. She wanted to have them in her life.

However, she was scared that her dream might come true. She doesn't want to hurt them. She doesn't want to be the cause of their miserable lives.

Water came towards her again. In fear of what that water can do, she tried to run away from it 'til she reached the backyard. When she got there, all the faucets and garden showers opened and the water came swirling around her as if it was going to swallow her whole.

She wanted to scream but she can't risk them finding out what was happening. When she can't take it anymore, she gathered all her strength to scatter the water, unknowingly dropping her phone in the process.

[Hellion Brothers: Book #4] Aequor HeartWhere stories live. Discover now