Chapter 40

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Forty - The search


The sun was fully present the moment the Hellions woke up.

It was 10am in the morning and Seolji made sure their breakfast were ready before she  roused them. She also knocked on Yojeung's door to wake her up too but since no response came from behind the door, she thought Yojeung may still be sound asleep considering she slept late last night.

All of them did their morning routine and had some usual chatting together. Few hours went by and it was now lunch time. Yet, Yojeung haven't went out of her room yet.

Baekhyun wanted to wake her up. However, because of the scenario they pulled last night, no one wanted any of the three to be the one to do the job. And so in the end, Haru and Inha volunteered instead.

They knocked for a few times, saying things such as "Please wake up. It's noon already." and such. Haru started wondering when after their attempts, still, no response came.

Yojeung was a light sleeper. You can easily wake her up by just simply calling her name. Haru knew that and was even able to witness that yesterday when she woke her up. Hence, this behavior of Yojeung seemed strange to her.

Curiosity got the best of her so she decided to twist the knob and invade the room before Inha was able to stop her. As she opened the door, they stopped dead in their tracks to find out that the room was empty, the closet doors were hung open, and the bed was disheveled.

"GUYS!!" they hollered, gathering everyone's attention. "YOJEUNG IS MISSING!"

The house immediately went into chaos. Everyone scurried off trying to find where Yojeung might be. Kijun almost wanted to turn his house upside down just so he could spot where his daughter could have been.

Sam rushed his way to their house the moment he heard the news from Xiumin. They decided to keep the issue from his parents for now to keep them from worrying. Xiumin also thought of doing the same to his parents. They must still be sleeping during this time due to time difference and they didn't want them to worry until they were sure that Yojeung was indeed missing and cannot be found.

"We have to report to the police." Seolji cried.

"The police won't do anything and will only make us wait up to 24 hours before they conduct a search operation. That's their protocol." Kijun exclaimed.

"Let's all calm down. We need to think things through." Gwen stated calmly.

"Please let us do the searching for now." Xiumin said, standing up from his seat. "Please Mrs. Lee. Just until we can ask help from the police."

"Count me in." Sam said, also rising up from his seat. "I'll guide you to the possible places she might have went."

"She might be strolling around for now. Let's go." Xiumin said and everyone raised from where they were seated to come with them.

Sam brought their family van in which many of the Hellions could fit, while Tao brought his own car in which the girls decided to ride. They first went to a park where Gab and Yojeung used to stay and have their usual bonding time. The same park where Gab first met Yojeung. However, Yojeung was not there.

The next one was the place where they celebrated their graduation last year. Seeing that Yojeung wasn't there either, they went to the next place where Gab and Yojeung also used to stay every once in a while.

"It is this place."

Sam said in English and went off the van. Everyone followed and came out of the vehicle, while Tao and the girls did the same.

[Hellion Brothers: Book #4] Aequor HeartWhere stories live. Discover now