Chapter 9

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Nine – Space between us


Maeji sat at the usual bench where they wait for the others before walking home as it had been their habit since they entered college. Since they are now living with their own families ever since they returned to Seoul, they don't get to see each other that much anymore unlike their highschool days where they all lived under one roof. Which is why hanging out together before going home has seemed to become a necessity to them, as it is mostly the only time they can relive the old times.

Only that today, it's quite different.

It was actually a week since a different vibe got into them: since that night at the party. That night after they watched Xiumin leave with Yojeung, Maeji helped Tao get up and asked to talk to him. The other Hellions who were with them stated that they wanted to talk as well, so they decided to have a talk altogether. They informed Choi Minho of their birthday wishes for him and told him their farewells before leaving. They also decided to keep this issue to themselves for now. The other Hellions don't know who Yojeung is to them and what just happened. They don't want to make it a bigger issue and get the others involved.

"I think Xiumin is right in some way," Maeji had said. Though his own anima wasn't siding with him, Tao remained silent, knowing that she wouldn't say such thing without thinking it through.

"Even though yes, we still don't know Yojeung that well, I am definite that she did not obtain the pin in purpose. And based on our experiences, there is always a reason when someone finds a pin. May the person be an anima or not, who are we to question what fate has in store for us?"

Everyone was in silence as they mulled over Maeji's wise words. Nobody spoke up to oppose—not even Tao—and Maeji knew that meant they were all agreeing in silence. Tao himself admits deep inside that he had gone a bit too far with his words, so he knew talking to Xiumin was the right thing to do.

He hesitated, though. He just had a misunderstanding with him. How was he supposed to approach Xiumin? He doesn't know. Knowing that it was the first time his hyung turned back from him and decided to stand on his own even if it meant defying his leader, Tao knew this case is severely different from the former misunderstandings they had. So he decided to not let the night pass by without talking with Xiumin.

The rest of the members encouraged him and after collecting a few courage he could, he finally decided to do so. He tracked down Xiumin's phone to know where he is. Turns out, he was somewhere around Suho's residence. Seeing this, he instantly knew where his hyung was. He went there alone and texted Xiumin.

I'm outside. Let's talk.

Tao could already imagine the older frowning as he read the message. The text may have seemed angry and cold, but that wasn't Tao's greatest concern at the moment. What's important is what they will get to talk about later.

Tao waited for a few more minutes and finally, he saw Xiumin's silhouette coming out of Yojeung's gate. When his hyung saw him, his smiling face fell and turned into a serious one. Though Xiumin was unsure as to where their conversation will go, he agreed to talk. However, whatever happened between Tao and Xiumin's talk, no one except the two knows. Neither of the two shared information about it. The only thing they know is that they are now in good terms and everything is fine.

Except for Yojeung.

After that night, their friendship with Yojeung went back to square one. Actually, even worse. Yojeung started ignoring Maeji and the rest once again. The only one she talks to in their group is Xiumin, but that wasn't really that surprising as they can see how closer they got by each day that passed.

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