The Awakening

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My body felt light against silky cotton.

My skin felt the biting cold.

My breathing is slow but satisfying as the air enters my lungs.

My hand touched the texture of wood.

As my eyes fluttered open, darkness enveloped me.

      Then dawn greeted the mysterious space around me, a small sunlight distinguish a little darkness.

      I was in my lying position against the wooden floor. At first, I can't move as if I'm in a sleep paralysis.

      I attempted to sit up slowly, only to found out the cotton I'm wearing is a white nightgown.

      I finally stand up, feeling light against my own two feet. My toes hiding under black Mary Jane shoes.

      I looked around me, it's almost nothing but an empty space.

      Until the Sun slowly rise up to the sky that its rays brightens the room bit by bit.

      The rays aimed for a lonely, vintage-looking chair. Candles surrounded the furniture. I could see the dark-colored walls stripped down, creating an ugly abstract.

      A girl in a cotton white dress was sitting there, staring blankly at me.

      When I contemplated her for a while, she smiled mischievously at me. She put a finger against her lips.

      "Shh." Her faint hush echoed through the light atmosphere.

      Then the flames of the candles went off, throwing me back into the blackness.


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