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      "Where are they? I just met them moments ago~" Hoseok whined in distressed. I followed him around from behind as my eyes wandered around the 'house.'

      I spotted a picture of an old-looking house, so I assumed that I'm in that house. But it never waver the fact that it gives me the creeps.

      We continuously walked down the hallway, my legs getting tired as hours passed.

Was it hours?

      I don't know. Dawn was still there with so little light to lead the way.

      Hoseok groaned in frustration. He scratched his head until his hair became messier than before.

      "Taehyung! Jimin! Namjoon, where are you guys?" His loud yell echoed across the shadowed hall, cupping his mouth to increase the loudness of his voice.

No answer.

      Hoseok let out a heavy sigh. "Sorry, I got little carried away there", he apologizes. "It's okay, I understand. We'll find them eventually", I reassured him.

      We walk around more but to no avail. "Hoseok, when's the last time you were with them?" I asked him. Hoseok was about to open his mouth to answer, but then he closed them back. Confusion drawn on his face.

      "Huh, I don't remember. No wonder we have been searching around the house with no clues", he muttered clearly.

      He shake it off and said, "Forget it, we keep searching for them until we found—"

      The sliding sound of curtains shrieked as they closed and darkness enveloped us. I let out a short yelp in surprise. I flailed my arms aimlessly but couldn't find Hoseok.  

      I called his name over and over again. It was fear, that typical fear when you are left alone in the dark.

But I feel empty as the same time.

      "The quiet world is going to get a lot of noise."

      I gasped as a wistful voice whispered in my ears. I turned around to look for the source, but no one was there. I relaxed my shoulders and tried to stabilise my breathing.

      As I turn to the front, a pair of brown eyes stared at me directly. I screamed and fell on my bottom, the loud cracking sound of the wood shook our surroundings.

      Handong laughed heartily. "Scared? You missed Hoseok, though", she teased. She leaned over until our faces a few inches away, looking at me mockingly. "Which left the two of us~"

      I glared at her. "Where's Hoseok?" I asked. Handong straightened into a normal standing position and shrugged. "I don't know."

      I clicked my tongue. "Hoseok? Hoseok!" I called his name as loudly as I can. The girl in white dress only shake her head.

"He's not coming back—"

      "He will!" I fight back and was about to make a run for it. Unfortunately, Handong caught my wrist single-handedly.

      "Let go!" I screamed and pushed her away. She didn't move an inch from my push, her grip was incredibly strong that it could break my bone if I resist. She tightened her grip, a sneering smirk curled on her lips.

      "No Name, right? Is Hoseok that stupid to call you that?" she scoffed. "If Hoseok wants to bring you to his group, then I should do the same too", she said. I raised an eyebrow.

"I can't find my members too."


      Handong looked around her. "It's dangerous to walk here alone. You could die here before you could even take a breath", she whispered with a warn. Then she pulled me towards her and we ran through the hallway, opposite to where Hoseok went.



      I brought her to my favorite place to be alone, the doll room. Most of the dolls are old-looking and vintage, lined up on different racks. I like it here, it gives me the calming atmosphere. I don't understand why the others thought it's creepy. The dolls are cute and 'friendly.'

      The girl, or No Name, looked around my 'lair'. Her eyes wandered from the ceiling to the whole room. I smiled sheepishly.

      "You like it too, don't you?" I asked her cheerfully, but she doesn't seem to hear me as she was too concentrated on the room. I snorted and pouted as I was ignored and walk to my favorite rack.

"What a meanie", I murmured.

      I bend down to take a good look at my tiny 'friends'. A doll lost an eye. A Victorian doll with a pastel pink dress lost half of her brunette hair.

      There are more of my 'friends' with imperfect appearances, which reminds me of how all humans are nowhere near perfect.

      Ever since I came here without an intention to stay, I've been having deep and dark thoughts. I was never like that before I lost my humanity.

      There was a large rectangular window next to the rack. I glanced outside to see the colour of the sky that never changed, as if the Earth stops its rotation in its orbit and froze in time.

      A thought clicked in my mind as I recall the book.

Could it be true?

      "Hey, No Name", I called her. No Name turned around to look at me, a wondering look in her eyes. I pointed at the window where the eerie sky displayed itself.

"What do you see?"

      No Name glanced at me questioningly before she examined the eerie view. She looked disappointed, her shoulders slumped.

"It's still dawn", she said sadly.

      My mouth opened a little but I quickly close it. I looked at her suspiciously. "Are you sure?" I asked her for confirmation.

      No Name nodded surely. "Why?" she asked. I shake my head. "Nothing, just asking", I answered shortly.

      "Okay", No Name ended our conversation and sit on a dusty sofa.

      I turn around from her sight so that she didn't see me scrunching my eyebrows together in confusion.

      I take another look to the window again. I blinked my eyes many times. I even rubbed them to see if I'm wrong.

I was not wrong.

It was still nighttime.

Chapter 3 updated!

I'm almost in my writing block but gladly I didn't 😂

Okay, I'll admit. This chapter is kinda boring and doesn't get the suspense it deserves. Sorry 😭 I promise to do better for the future chapters!

Thank you for reading and please leave a vote!

Chapter 4 coming soon 🙌

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