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      The room suddenly shakes like an earthquake, gravity dragging us down to the floor. I struggled to stand up, using a wall as a support.

The quake lasts for a few minutes until it completely stops. I sighed as my dolls scattered around the floor, some of the racks broke into tiny pieces of wood and splinters.

       Yoohyeon walked in and saw me picking up my dolls. She got down and helped me with it until the dolls are all arranged into different places.

I thanked her and she nodded. Silence lasts longer than expected, but I let it be. Yoohyeon stared sadly at No Name's body.

Then Namjoon walked into the room. "This happened before, at the basement", he told us. I can sense Yoohyeon rolling her eyes, not sparing a glance at Namjoon.

      I nodded at him. "Yeah, I remembered", I said. "It was when we picked up the book and read the pages. Then the quake happens abruptly. Do you think it was a sign?" I asked.

      Namjoon shrugged. "Who knows? Should we check it out?"

"Rather than laying your ass while manipulating people's minds, yes, we should", Yoohyeon hissed sarcastically and walked away, purposely bumping him by the shoulders.

      He sighed. I looked at him sympathetically. As a leader, there were lot of burdens on his shoulders. But he doesn't show much of his pain when he silently is.

"Let's go and tell the others. It's time to investigate the basement. It's been long since we last visit there", he sighed and leave the room with a stressful expression.

I pursed my lips, clenching and relaxing my fingers before I looked around for my long bar. I take a last look at No Name, her lifeless body has yet to wake up.

I glanced at her bruised waist on a tear area of her dress, a perfect blueish purple ring on her skin. A hollow hole on her chest flashed in my mind.

I tuck her in, covering her icy cold body with a warm blanket. Right then, Siyeon walked into the room and looked down at her.

I can't decipher her feelings. It was as if there were mixtures of emotions that forms an unknown product. She gritted her teeth and exhaled. "I saw her dream", she told me.

I gave her a questioning look.

"Fire. I was burned to death", she answered shortly. A thought clicked a switch in my brain. Could it be that the white figure in the burning house was Siyeon?

      Siyeon cuts my daze. "We have something in common, haven't we?" she asked.


"You dreamed of fire too. I heard", she said seriously, her gaze as sharp as her knife.

I glared at her. "What did you do to Dami before you unleashed the demon from your knife?" I asked.

Siyeon raised an eyebrow. "Nothing much. Just trapping her so she shut up."

       My mouth agape from the shock of listening to her. "Why in the world would you do that?"

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