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Did we fail?


We didn't.

      The white light subsided into the darkness of the hall. No Name placed her hands against the floor, heaving deep breaths as if her life depends on it. The black mists wafted around her, the size of the beast became smaller.

I heard my name called out. Apparently, Hoseok and I are the only ones left in the house. The others disappeared without a trace.

      As he laid his eyes to No Name, he bit his bottom lip with a rueful expression. He pulled his eyes away from her to me.

"Go get her. She needs you", he spoke. I shake my head, heavy-hearted after what I did to her. I do understand why Hoseok wants me to end it all, but will she forgive me for hurting her? Even though I wasn't in my control.

"No, Hoseok. You do the honor", I said.

"Yoohyeon, please. You're her friend. She's your friend. I don't think I'm worthy enough to become one", he expressed with his strained voice.

I bit my lip anxiously. I turn away from him, my legs bringing me to No Name. My heart thumped loudly against my chest, my clenched fists glistened with sweat. Courage was the only thing that matters at this moment.

But do I have enough bravery to bring her back?

      As I closed the distance between us, No Name snapped her head up, her eyes glaring daggers at me. "Just go! Both of you just go! You'll regret it if you don't! You'll die!" she yelled.

Anger boils in my blood. I clenched my fists tighter, stubborn to walk away. "I'm not scared of you. I'll never leave you alone!" I shouted back at her.

"I can't hold it much longer!" she shouted, clenching her head tightly. "Go! Yoohyeon, please go!" she yelled desperately.

The black mists started to grow into a large beast, growling and hissing like mutated animals.

It was charging towards me.

I stand on my ground, not flinching at the threatening action.

I exhaled a relieved sigh as it halted right in front of my nose.

My heart dropped when she cried out again, all in pain and loss. Her tears was so human that I want to destroy the fact that she's the dead one.

It doesn't matter who she is.
She's my friend.

I muster up every bit of my courage and walk forward towards the wafting black mist.

I don't care if I was hurt.

I don't care if I'll die right at this spot.

I don't care anything but her.

I need to save her.

It's our promise.

As soon as my skin was in contact with the mist, I waited for the pain to come and bite viciously. I close my eyes and continued walking through the mist.

......but all I felt was cold.

It doesn't hurt, it doesn't bite off my skin. It was just cold, like ice and winter nights. I pushed myself through the obstacles. The thickness of the gel was no joke, making me hard to breathe.

But I kept going.

And going.

My lungs desperately need air. But I feigned ignorance of it.

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