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I can't look away.

      It looks like millions of tadpoles swarming around the black mud water.

      A skin-crawling sight, but too fascinating to look away.

      The black mist leaned closer. I leaned away from it until my body hits the floor, I fell on my bottom.

      I couldn't move. It's as if its invincible eyes hypnotized me from escaping.

      I heard shuffling footsteps behind me. I couldn't talk either, my voice has yet to escape from my throat.

      The mist leaned closer, our distance became smaller. From my peripheral vision, its hand extended as it curled its limbs around my body.

It was cold.

It was dark.

I couldn't see anything.

The jelly-like mist eats me whole.

And I can't fight back.

      A scream pierced the chaotic air. Suddenly, the mist splits into two. I feel myself being pulled away from the dirty black jelly, its residue sticks to my skin before it was pulled away.

"I got her!" It was Hoseok.

      Namjoon wielded a final blow with a long object to the mist and splitting them into uneven floating dusts. He took off running with Hoseok who carried me away.

      Behind the blurry vision, I saw the separated parts of the black mist gathered around, creating another form before the door closed, blocking my view from witnessing the abomination.

      "Is she okay?" I heard Yoohyeon's voice. My vision blurred and slowly went into focus to meet the worried eyes of the group.

      I groaned and straightened myself, Hoseok's arm supported my waist. "What the hell was that?" Namjoon spoke. I was unsure of who he's asking.

      I hunched over, weak as I ran out of energy. The mist must've suck out all the energy within me. The urge to rest and sleep was strong, but I controlled myself not to fall into slumber.

      "You better explain yourself of what just happened out there", ordered Namjoon, pointing at me with a sharp glare.

      "Not now, Namjoon. Don't you see her state now, she's dead tired!" Hoseok said, defending me.

      "If it's not now, then when? She could be the dead one, for all it takes!" Namjoon accused, making me snapped at him.

      "Don't jump into conclusions. We all know that the dead one isn't human. She's human and she doesn't associate with the black mist", Hoseok said.

      Namjoon sighed but has yet to leave his ground. "Then why isn't she hurt when the mist touches her? Look at Yoohyeon!" Namjoon gestured at the injured girl.

      The area above her feet was full of bulbous scabs, blood flooded the wounds. I immediately pushed myself from the floor and walked towards her, ignoring the massive fatigue within me.

      Yoohyeon and Handong were sitting on a sofa, so I kneel in front of them and started tearing the end of my dress strips by strips until the bottom part of my dress is above my knees.

      Yoohyeon winced and grimaced by a touch of cloth on the injuries. I wrapped the cloth around Yoohyeon's scabs, layers by layers until it is sufficient enough to stop the bleeding.

      Yoohyeon thanked me and Handong smiled. I nodded with a tight lipped smiled and stood up.

      I looked around the room for some time to be alone. The room was almost the same arrangement as the doll room, but with absence of dolls.

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