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      "Nonsense!" I snapped at him, anger boiling in my blood.

      "Hey, don't get mad at me! Gahyeon did the dreamwalking on me and she said a girl in a white silky dress and black hair did it. Obviously it's you", Jungkook stated, pointing at me with his hand. 

"I was with them the whole time-"

      "He said the truth." It was Yoohyeon's turn to speak up. I looked at her in disbelief. "Yoohyeon..."

      "I saw a girl that looks exactly like you, locking SuA into the mirror world. But of course, I'm in doubt to believe that since you're here with us all the time", she said. 

      I was relieved. "Thanks, Yoohyeon." Yoohyeon smirked sheepishly. "No problem, my friend! Yoohyeon here to back you up!"

      "I'm with Yoohyeon", Hoseok said. "She's with us all the time, Jungkook. She never leave our sight."

"But still, you know what the book said. Our dreams are real-"

      "Not all of it was real", Hoseok cuts Jungkook's words sternly. Jungkook snorted and folded his arms against his chest. "I really don't want to trust Gahyeon, but, she could be the dead one. The one we should kill to escape from here!" he almost shouted.

"She's not the dead one!"

"Yes, she is, hyung! She could be the daughter of the King, for all we know—"

      "She's a Phantom!" Handong spoke up after a long silent treatment, stopping the argument between Hoseok and Jungkook. Handong pressed her lips together and said the same thing. "She's a Phantom. No doubt she is."

"But why?" asked Jungkook, surprised at her words.

      I heard a finger snap. "Now that makes a whole lot of sense!" exclaimed Namjoon. "The black mist repels from her. The Phantom is feared by the black mist. That's why they didn't hurt her", explained Namjoon.

      "Now that you talk about it, Handong might be right!" said Yoohyeon excitedly. She looked at me happily. "You can help us to get out of here."

      "What, really?" I questioned. "But, I don't even know who I am."

      "We'll figure out who you are. But for now, you're the Phantom that the book talks about", said Hoseok reassuringly. "The book tells a lot of good things about you, besides the black mist thing. I think it talks about how you can heal wounds-" Hoseok trailed off, realisation dawned in his face. "Wait a minute. Yoohyeon, can I unwrap the bandage for a moment?"

      "Huh? Uh, sure. Suit yourself", Yoohyeon stuttered confusingly.

        Hoseok walked towards Yoohyeon and kneeled in front of her as he tuck out the end of the bloodstained bandage and started to unwrap it. He circled his hand around her legs until the bandage meet its other end.

Everyone started to gather around.

"Oh my God...." Jungkook gasped.

      Yoohyeon's exposed flesh has been healed almost completely. The hemispherical flesh recovered into a full skin with little red around it. Yoohyeon gasped in shock. "So she is the Phantom", she mumbled. She tried to stand up but almost fell and suddenly hugged me fiercely.

      "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" she repetitively thanked happily. I chuckled and pat her back, receiving looks and a shake in the head by the others. Yoohyeon pulled away and slowly sat down on the sofa, smiling widely.

      Jungkook kneeled in front of her and wrapped his fingers around her injuries. The redness toned down into her skin tone but the wounds were still there in a healing process. He loosened his fingers and stood up.

      "We need Dami to help her walk freely. I can only manage to heal the flesh, or that's what the book says so vaguely", he said scornfully about the book. His hyungs nodded at him and receiving a pat in the shoulder.

      I have the urge to ask them further about the Phantom, but the timing was wrong at this point. My mind went into different paths of maze to think of a plan to ask Handong about it.

      Hoseok suddenly sighed and looked out to the window. "It's still nighttime, just like the other days."

      I scrunched my eyebrows together in confusion. I glanced at the window. "But it's—"

      I felt a hand on my back, distracting me from talking further. Handong placed a finger against her lips and shake her head simultaneously.

      A waking groan filled the air. Gahyeon sit up from her slumber and rubbed her temple. I stepped back in a stance to defend myself. When Gahyeon saw me, she looked at me confusingly.

"....what happen?" she asked.

      "Gahyeon, she's the Phantom. It's impossible for her to trap SuA into the mirror—"

      "No, unnie. What happened?" asked Gahyeon again, cutting Handong from explaining.

      "You don't remember what happen?" I asked, braving myself to voice out a question.

      Gahyeon blinked her eyes. "I remember putting a knife against your neck but I don't know the reason why", she said huskily.

      I furrowed my eyebrows. "Jungkook said that you saw me in his dream, trapping SuA in the mirror world", I explained. Gahyeon shook her head, denying my words. 

      She started to groan and winced in pain. "I'm pretty sure it's not you. It's someone else. I...I don't know." 

      "Don't strain yourself, Gahyeon. Think slowly", said Jungkook.

      Gahyeon nodded, breathe in and closes her eyes. "When I did the dreamwalking on Jungkook, I saw a girl pushing SuA into a mirror at the end of the hall. I don't know how she could carry her and throw her into the mirror just like that. But then she, whoever that person is, started to alternate into another person."

      She suddenly stop and looked nervously at us. Handong rests a hand against her shoulder. "Who was it?"

       Gahyeon looked at Jungkook guiltily. "I'm sorry, Jungkook. Really, I'm sorry. It was not her."

"It was Jimin."

Chapter 10 updated!

I can't believe I'm writing this late at night (aka I finished this at 3.17 a.m or so) but I guess that's how my brain works.

To be honest, this chapter is not my favourite and I failed to make it better just as I promised.

But this time, I will do well like REALLY WELL for the next chapters.

But if you do feel like this chapter is okay, then I'll feel satisfied 😊

Thank you for reading and leave a vote!

Chapter 11 coming soon!

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