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It was dark.

The area is covered in thick fog.

The white haze has no smell, nor was it easy to see the empty blackness.

Then I see a familiar wall, darkness slowly stepped into the light.

I was back to the real world.

      I shake my head, dizziness hurt my brain. I groaned, resting my head against my hand, shut my eyes as if that can decrease the throbbing in my head.

It doesn't feel like I was asleep. It's more like I was completely unaware of my surroundings.

But that horrifying vision never fails to amaze me. My hysterical screams, the thudding of snow and soil against the box I'm in, the icy cold against my fingertips.

Everything was a sudden.

I heard a click on the doorknob, the door open to reveal Hoseok with a long black cloth in his hand. He widened his eyes as he saw me. He shut the door close behind him and sit at the edge of the bed.

      He stroke his fingers against my face, his almond-eyes gazed softly at me. "Thank God...", he exhaled in relief.

      "If only I know what would happen, then I wouldn't have show you the lavender field. I'm so—"

"The lavenders are beautiful", I cut him from apologizing. He looked at me, the guilt slowly disappearing. "It's worth it. To see the outside world for once", I expressed with a smile on my face.

      It was his turn to smile. "I'm glad." He kneeled on the floor and grab my bandaged hand, every fingers wrapped tightly with the fingertips area darker than the other.

      As Hoseok unwrapped the old bandage to replace with a new one, he stopped abruptly as he stared at my fingers. I was as surprised as he is.

A fine, deep line of skin cuts with dried red liquid beneath the flesh. Then I remembered that my fingers were bleeding when that happen.

      But why my neck didn't bleed when Gahyeon cut it?

      Hoseok bit his bottom lip, looking frustrated. He throw away the old bandage and wrapped the new one around my hand, strangely silent and focus. I can see how confused, tired and exhausted he was, a dark area under his eyes.

      Silence lasts for a minute or two. He doesn't seem to mind me staring at him all the time. His black sleeves pulled up a bit, a strange inked crescent mark on his wrists, like a tattoo. I asked him about it before, during our search for Yoohyeon.

"I disturbed Handong's dreamwalking when she did it to you. I shouldn't have but, the book said so. It can cause immediate death. Dreamwalk involves spiritual energy. If we disturb it, a painful death awaits. I should've died when I stopped her, but nothing happened. Then I have this mark, a symbol of a warning. If I do it again, I might not be with you guys anymore."

      "I don't understand about this place. I never were. We never do", he said, cutting my daze. "We were filming a collaboration with the girls. All I could remember was that we woke up in the dark, at the basement. We lit up the candles and found their bodies surrounding the skulls. Then there was a heart in the middle of everything. I thought it was fake so I examined it. Suddenly, it pumps and my hand was bloodied. I was shaken by the fact that it was real."

I listened to him attentively. My mind plays the scene of everyone waking up, confused and lost, in a creepy room and a beating heart. The girls' bodies circled around seven skulls, the heart at the center of the skulls, like circles on targets, the heart as a bullseye.

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