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A knife was on the floor.

A dull, silver knife.

Its end is as sharp as a painful goodbye.

      I saw a pair of legs walking towards my direction. I looked up to see Siyeon, saying something but her voice was mute, only her lips were moving.

       She grabbed the knife and walked towards me, a group of people were chasing her.

She looks like she was shouting at me. Her speed keeps up and she got nearer, wielding her knife.

Then my hair was grabbed harshly in her hands before she—


The dream halted with a cliffhanger. I pulled my hand away and scrambled up to my own good legs. I watched as the creature writhing in pain, floating in the air, its body twisted in  disturbing ways.

Its back twists and turns, jerking back and forth, its button eyes bulging out leaving its eye sockets. Its short tongue with no end wrapped around its neck, choking itself into suffocation.

It was a quick, painful death.

Its body exploded into slimy pieces, decorating the walls into abstracts. Its nonexistent organs splattered around us. Its blood dirtied our clothes.

      I felt a liquid dropping down my philtrum. I wiped it with my fingers to find out that my nose is bleeding. A red drop stained my white dress.

      Then black spots grows on my dress, peeling off the pure white color along with the red spot. The whites fall to the floor like dead leaves. My dress changed to fully black, just like Yoohyeon, Gahyeon, SuA and Handong's.

      I heard a tired moan from my right. The girl weakly sit up, grabbing her head in her hands and breathed rapidly. I helped her out, asking if she's okay. She doesn't seem to be in a state to answer, let alone to walk.

      The sound of a blowing wind pulled my attention away from the girl. The slimy goop crawls like maggots until it adjoined themselves into one piece. More crawling pieces joint but has yet to grow.

I saw Jungkook and Gahyeon raised their blades to their head, ready to attack.

      The black goop slowly took its shape, forming itself into an unreadable item. It was a slimy item that was nothing, until its color seeping into silver.

It was a silver knife, standing upright with its pointy end stabbed the floor.

      "I knew it", a voice echoed the hall. I looked up to see Siyeon walking down the hall, a menacing look towards someone she hates.

      It seems like she was staring at me, but it took me a while to find out that she was actually looking at the girl in my arms.

Realization clicks a switch in my mind.

The hall.

The knife.

A group of people.

And Siyeon.

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