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      "Who is she?" The guy named Namjoon asked as he closed the door quickly behind him, pointing at me with a questioning look.

      Namjoon was catching his breath as if he had been running down the hallway. I look at both Hoseok and Handong, their facial expressions are unreadable. "Namjoon, how did you get here?" asked Hoseok.

      Namjoon placed a hand on his hip and pointed outside with a thumb. "Those things, they're chasing us, almost caught us. I was with Yoohyeon before we got separated. I don't know where she is now", Namjoon explained.

      I heard Handong mumbled an "Oh my god", running her fingers along her hair. I walked to the window and watch from afar as Namjoon sat on the sofa. He noticed her change and was about to point it out but Hoseok stopped him with a shake in the head.

      Then Namjoon's eyes shifted to my direction, his eyebrows scrunched together at my sight. "Are you trapped here too?" he asked me. I immediately reply with a shrug. "I'm not sure, actually", I said.

      "Now that's suspicious", Namjoon said with a doubtful look, making me feeling nervous as beads of perspiration rolling down my back. Gladly, Hoseok came to the rescue and explained to him from the beginning to the end. He nods a lot despite a questioning look drawn in his face.

      He wears the same clothing that Hoseok wears. Black shirt, black pants. His black hair is also not the exception.

      The door suddenly shaking of what seems like a strong wind blowing against the wood.

       All of us stiffened as that happen, stayed frozen in where we are.

      It took a moment until the shaking stops and the faint sound of small metal sliding against the floor disappears as it 'walks' forward.

      We sighed in relief. "What was that?" I finally find my voice to speak.

      "The black mist", Handong trailed off. "Never go near it, or even touch it. One of my friends got infected by it and the effects are gruesome. She's still healing."

"It's recent?" I asked.

"It got her a few weeks ago", she answered.

      Handong tapped her fingers against the dressing table before she stood up. "I have to find Yoohyeon. I have a bad feeling about her", she expressed as she walked towards the door.

      "Handong, it's dangerous. We need to stay together!" Hoseok said sternly.

      Handong scoffed at him in a mocking way. "And leave her alone outside wrapped up in a bow to be ripped apart by the mist? No, thank you", she said sarcastically and pulled the door opened roughly and stormed out of the door.

       Hoseok called her out, but she was already out of sight. Without hesitation, my legs automatically went for the door. "I'm going", I said shortly.

      "Dammit, you girls. Let's go!" Namjoon said, pulling Hoseok and followed me from behind, out of the doll room.


      "Yoohyeon!" Handong shouted her friend's name. I looked around the eerie hallway, realising that the hallway looks unusually different or I never travelled in this area yet.

      "Uhh...is it just me or the hallway looks different from how we normally see it before?" Namjoon pointed out, which makes me relieved that I'm not the only one who noticed that.

      We looked around more and called Yoohyeon as we travelled down the mysteriously dark, changed hallway.

      Then I heard something, like faint footsteps. "Stop", I muttered before I said it again louder. They obeyed me and we listened closely. The footsteps were getting closer, running down towards us.

Then it became louder.

      An uneven scream of a girl echoed the hallway. A girl in a white dress and long brown hair with pink highlights ran to our direction, her face displayed an immense fear.

      Handong ran towards the girl and hugged her tightly. "There's not much time, we need to go now!" the girl warned.

"Yoohyeon, what's wrong?" asked Namjoon.

      Yoohyeon took in a struggling breath, almost choking on air. "Not now! We need to go—"

      A loud buzzing sound erupted the silence of the hallway. We turned around to the sound's direction.

      A black mass floated upright in the air, taking a changeable shape of a rectangle before it forms an uneven shape. It forms a hollow line.

It was smiling.


      We sprinted down the hallway, fear instills within us. The black mist chased us, moving like an amoeba. Its numerous hands and feets spreads like wildfire, stretching its limbs to reach us out.

      I was far behind, the black mist almost touched my leg. I jumped a few times to get further away from it. But the further we go, the closer it gets to catch us.

      We kept running straight through the chaotic hallway without stopping. Dawn was still seen at the window, unchanged and remained as that like a frozen time.

      "I found a door!" Hoseok yelled. We started following his lead, feigning ignorance of the fatigue in our beings for dear life.

      From the corner of my eye, I saw a stretching black hands aiming for the girls.

      Then Yoohyeon yelled painfully and fell down to the floor. Handong fell with her as they were holding hands while running. I heard Yoohyeon let out a painful cry as the black mass fizzling her exposed legs, as if her skin was boiled.

      The boys stopped on their tracks and was about to help them.

      But the black mass is getting closer in super speed.

      The girls hugged each other and whimpered, waiting for it to end. Panic sets in,affecting my mind to become a complete mess.

Then I decided that this is it.

      I ran towards the mist, buying them more time to escape.

      I heard them calling for me to come back, but I ignored them. I gave them the chance to survive. I'll be very upset if they waste that chance.

      The black mist reached me and I closed my eyes, waiting to be engulfed into nothingness but pain and suffering.

......but nothing happened.

      I slowly opened my eyes and gasped at the sight in front of me. The black mist hovers above me like a sea wave but did nothing and float above my head.

      I couldn't take my eyes off the breathtaking view. I was panicking and scared before. But seeing this abomination, destroys all those emotions.

I went blank and unmoved.

"What the hell...?"

Chapter 5 updated!

I'm writing this at around 4.45 a.m to 5.53 a.m. after I woke up without much sleep. Still on vacation but will be going back home today so I'll get sleep in the car or sleep more after publishing this chapter. 😖

How I need a perfect sleep *sigh* 😔

And we're almost reaching 100 reads, guys! 🙌 Thank you so much for reading this fic and shoutout to a commenter who gave the main idea at RyuseraLover's mashup, yoongi's wife 😆

Thank you for reading and leave a vote!

Chapter 6 coming soon!







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