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      "Jimin. It's his work. He's messing with Gahyeon's head", Namjoon concluded.

      "But why? How would you know?" I asked him, my mind confused of the boys' mind powers.

      "Jimin is the mind tangler. He changes what one witness to frame, just like how he did to Gahyeon. She sees you at first, right? But then the effect started to wear off and Gahyeon sees Jimin instead." Namjoon's explanation makes my head spins. Everything was just so weirdly confusing. To understand it all, I need to find the book.

      "Could it be...." Handong mumbled. Every attention focuses on her alone, waiting for her to finish her sentence.

      "Jimin can get through the mirror, right? He put SuA into the mirror", she said.

      Gahyeon shake her head, confusion sketched on her face. "I don't get it, unnie. What are you trying to imply?"

      "Everyone, it's in the very first sentence of the book. Don't you remember? Before the book vanished and never found?"

The book vanished?

      My heart dropped to the void. I need to know more about being a Phantom.

      Handong looked at us worryingly, making us anticipating for her to spit it out. Then I heard a loud bang against the table. Jungkook hit the table with his fist angrily, glaring daggers at Handong.

      "Don't speak nonsense. There's no way he's the dead one!" he shouted across the room. "He's human, for God's sake!"

      "But what if he's not?" Handong shouted back. "It's in the book, Jungkook! 'The dead one visits its reflection and kissed the real moonlight goodbye.'", Handong phrased the sentence.

      "'It brings its love into the realm, but dies before a day could last forever, lonely but its other self'", Yoohyeon continued.

      "If SuA stays in there longer, she could be killed", Yoohyeon uttered. Her eyes flickered to all of us and said, "We need to save her, now!"

      I nodded. I noticed Gahyeon staring at me and she looked away. She said the last three words which leaves us speechless.

"And kill Jimin."



      I pulled No Name into my room where Gahyeon and I rests after the attack. Hoseok and Namjoon were waiting for us, to plan out what's right to do.

      I released my grip and the three of us faced her. "Not Jimin. I don't care if he's not human or the dead one or whatever the heck the book said. I don't want him to die", I pleaded.

      Namjoon take a step forward towards No Name. "He's like a brother to us. If killing is the result, then we object the girls' plan. We don't want to kill Jimin", he said.

      Hoseok sighed and folded his arms against his chest. "I heard the girls' conversation before we got separated. Most of them agreed to kill the dead one. But one of them is the most determined to kill", he said as his expression changed to serious.

      "Who?" No Name asked anxiously. I can see her hands trembled. Was it out of stress?

"Siyeon", answered Hoseok.

      Just hearing the name makes me more frustrated. I let out a groan. "We need to save both SuA and Jimin. I don't care if the girls are against us. As long as both of them are safe, then they better be grateful that SuA is alive", I ranted.

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