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I lied Yoohyeon on the floor as she fell asleep, curling into a ball by hugging her knees, her eyes puffy from crying.

My legs move around aimlessly as I look around the room, the same room Handong lead me to from the dark hallways. I remember that she asked me about what I see outside the window.

When I say it was dawn, I knew something was wrong just by reading her confused expression.

I walked to the window. I startled when the door knocks before it opens. Namjoon walked in and saw Yoohyeon on the floor, shaking his head at how awful her condition is. He got down and carried her bridal-style.

He exits the room, leaving me alone as he closes the door.

Then the feeling of being watched came again. I turned my head around to a rectangular mirror in a dusty black frame. The mirror was facing me but...

There's no reflection of me.

I pick it up and examine it closely. The mirror was drawing me to it, automatically became invisible physically without my consent.

Then I finally step through another wall, out from the doll room, to the basement.

Where Hoseok warned me before.

"You shouldn't be here."


As the town people threw the dead into a deep abyss, the old lady shove a shovel towards the lad. The lad hesitantly retrieved the shovel, his eyes have yet to pull away from his dead lover's eyes.

He could hear her despite of how deep the abyss is. Her whispers that used to be his lullaby during the night.

Don't leave me.
Don't go.
Don't bury me.
I love you.

The lad gripped the shovel tightly. "I'm sorry", he whispered back to her.

Until now, it was unknown if the dead girl heard of him or not.

However, her sorrowful expression was the last sight he saw from her before she became one with the dirt and soil.

The next day, he became a charred corpse.


The feeling was the same as the first time I got here. Curiousity gets the best of me as I entered the room. This time, there was no hesitation.

The door creaks as I push open. The room was the same as before, unchanged.

Except the bodies of the girls and the skulls. They decreased into one body and two skulls.

There was an oval-shaped mirror hanging against the wall. I stared for my reflection again, but no luck came from it. I did a little experiment, taking out the rectangular mirror and face it across the oval mirror. I admiringly see the number of reflections in infinity, as if there will never be the end.

Until I saw a black book on the book stand in the mirror. I rotate the mirror to face me, my eyes tells no lie that there is a book on the book stand.

"I found you", I say with a smirk.

I turn my heels and was about to walk to the book stand located behind the girl's body. I stopped on my tracks as I saw blood pooling the room, streaming like a crimson red river.

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