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Handong told me before.

That JiU got hurt pretty badly by the black mist.

The dead one's suppressed anger.

My dark wings from hell.

And now, she ask me who I am with a sweet oblivious smile stretched on her pink lips.

Because I'm the odd one out of everyone. 

.....should I tell them?

Will my dead sin be forgiven for something I didn't control?

Does that makes me a born sinner?

"No Name? Is something wrong?" JiU asks politely with her graceful voice. I remained silent, unable to find words to answer her.


Something is wrong.

Everything is wrong.

.....and I'm the culprit in that wrong.

They were waiting for me patiently, worried expressions plastered on their faces. I avoid eye contact from them, anxiety build up inside me, boiling like a lava to explode at anytime like a volcano.

"I- I'm..." I voiced out, terror in my voice.

      I can see them widened their eyes although I didn't even finish my sentence yet. Then a slam of the door opened loudly.

Everyone's here.

      "JiU! Jin! Stay back—" Namjoon shouted at the two in panic. Darkness trapped my senses as the black mist grow from my wings. It growls, screech, howls, a mixtures of demons inside me.

JiU and Jin clumsily run for their life towards the group before I stand up and let my anger go, destroying the sofa that I sat earlier and the floor where JiU and Jin kneeled.

      It was as if there was two souls in one body, alternating to control me. Sometimes it flickered to a good side of me then to the bad side of me.

Dead One.
Dead One.

Like children's riddles, a poetic song with a disturbing story behind it.

      I clenched my head in my hands, my suppressed anger unleashed itself into the monster I am.

The host to kill,
The victim to control.

But am I really the victim?
......doubt it.

      "Fight it, No Name! Fight the evil within you!" I heard Yoohyeon's strained voice beneath the chaos. I snapped my eyes opened and look at everyone. There were no longer friendly faces but fear in their eyes, watching my evil self.

      I cried out in pain as the black mist uncontrollably throwing its tantrum, aimlessly destroying the room. I tried to grasp it to stop them, to cage them back into my control.

......I succeeded.

      The black mist shrunk but still igniting in my wings like a burning flame. I lazily sighed and slumped my shoulders. My vision started to blur.

Then I came back to my senses as I heard a sharp sound of metal against metal.

"JiU, no!"

      The black mist stretched its arm and snatched a knife from JiU's pocket before she could even grab it in time. The knife dropped to my hands, cold and silver. I grip it tightly and glare at the others.

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