Family party

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"Hi Helen" I smile giving her a hug

"Hi lovely" she smiled back before hugging my dad,my mum, my older brother and younger sister

Helens having a family party and she invited us since,her and my mum used to be best friends in primary and high school

I'm also exited to get introduced to her kids,she has three,her youngest is Anna who is 16 then it's jack who's 22 and then Conor who's 24

And since I'm 21 I should get along with them.

We walked into the house and it was quite busy, most of their family was here so we didn't really know anyone, but it's okay

"Anna honey don't be rude" Helen said grabbing Anna's hand "Anna this is y/n"

"Hi" she smiled giving me a hug

"Hey" I smile back pulling away from the hug,our parents walked away leaving me Anna and a whole bunch of Anna's family standing in the kitchen

"Come on,let's stick together" Anna smiled taking my hand and pulling me upstairs into her room

"Wow it's cute" I smile,looking at her all white bedroom

"Thanks,I like to keep it clean, as much as possible, it's easy now that the boys live in London" Anna chuckled, we both took a seat on her bed,and their cat bow jumped up

"Your so cute" I say kissing her head

"She really is,I love her a lot" Anna smiled

"Anna,Nan and grandad arrived" a man said,he had blonde hair and a nose stud in

"Okay,2 seconds" Anna said following the man out the room,minutes later she came back up and sat back on the bed,

"I'll be two seconds" I say getting up to go to the toilet

Once I finished doing what I needed to I made my way along the hallway but stopped when I heard Anna talking to someone

"So jack told me there was a hottie in here" I heard the man asked

"Who? Y/n"

"He doesn't know her name,he just said she was hot and my type" I heard the man laugh

"Oh my god,no get out" Anna said,that's my que

I opened the door and walked in,and both Anna and the man looked at me

"That's the hottie" Anna said rolling her eyes

"I'm Conor" he said giving me a hug

"Y/n" I smile

"So what are you's talking about" Conor asked sitting down on Anna's bed

"About how annoying you are" Anna said once I sat back down also

"Shut up" he said,

"Anna honey,come down" Helen shouted

"Hang on" she said to me before giving Conor daggers and running out the room

"So how old are you?"

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