Help me help you

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"We need to talk"

"I know" I sigh, opening the door further letting Conor into my apartment. "So" I say as we sat down on my couch

"We need to sort this all out y/n and like now before our relationship ends badly"

"I know we do" I nod

"You...need to help me, help you" Conor said. At first I was confused. Help me help you? What? He needs me to help him, to try and help me? Huh?

"When you ask me my opinion, and I give it to you, you never take any notice of it. Your'e like a long division equation that I don't understand" Conor said. Looking down at his hands

"I don't understand con"

"Everything is so difficult, and you need to seriously help me help you so this can stop" he said. His voice going from shaky to more confident.

"I know, that times can get difficult for both of us. But I can't help the way I am Conor. I'm sorry if I'm difficult and I know our relationship just isn't the same, but the way I am is the way I am" I say, tears springing to my eyes. But I held them back not wanting to break down

"Like what are you trying to do? Because I have no..clue what so ever"

"I'm not do anything" I say

"You clearly are"

"Like what Conor? Like what, give me an example" I say, my voice raising. This talk is going from 0-100 real quick

"Okay here's an example, everything that comes out of your mouth towards me is always a trap"

"Like what?" I snap

"Okay the other day, "do these jeans make me look fat" " he said mimicking my voice "if I answered what you didn't want me to, you would have gone raging at me, but I said no, and you didn't believe me. Why would you ask if you didn't care about my opinion anyway. I'm not stupid and I know when your speaking if the answer is a trap or not"he asked raising his voice

"Are you joking. Where arguing over this"

"Okay fine then. What about when you told me you wanted to take a break. When I stayed out your way, you got annoyed I didn't text you. And when I finally did you answer with one letter just like a fucking K or something, also one more thing, you still have my favourite hoodie and I want it back"

"I'm sorry that I'm so difficult" I yell, covering my hands over my face as tears fell down my face "I'm sorry okay" my voice breaking, but not coming out more as a whisper

"Baby girl" Conor said, his voice going calm as he crouched down in front of me taking both my hands in his "we can solve this"

"How Conor, apparently I mess everything up" I sob

"Listen to me okay If I ask you if there's a problem don't tell me your fine because I know your not. Tell me the truth because I'll help you,that's the first thing that will make this better" Conor hummed "but also..don't ask me if another girl is cute okay, it's a stupid question you already know the answer to. We're on the same team so just please listen to what I'm saying right now, and take notice of it if you can. Baby girl because I love you and I don't want to loose you"

"Okay, I get it I completely get it. And I'm sorry I'll change"

"No y/n I don't want you to change I love you, and who you are. It's just some things aren't needed. Don't change everything because then I wouldn't have fallen in love with the new you because I'm in love with y/n"

"Thank you" I say, a slight smile creeping on my face "I'm sorry for shouting earlier"

"Shh don't apologise" he hummed "both of us, need to learn"

"Yeah" I chuckle

"I love you baby girl"

"I love you to" I hum leaning down to kiss him. But I pulled back after a second "can I still keep that jumper though" Conor chuckled before attaching our lips again, smiling into the kiss

Conor Maynard imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now