I can live with more {smut}

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I love having nights out with the boys. It gives me time to get out. But that means leaving my boyfriend at home, with loads of texts and calls from him nagging me about when I'm coming home, and that I shouldn't be out at a club with just the boys

He's probably right. But he goes out to clubs all the time. And I don't make a fuss. I guess because I'm kinda over this relationship with him.

I can't do anything without him bugging me about it. It's not even like 'please be careful, and text me when you get there so I know your safe' god how I wish it was. No it's more like 'clubs aren't places for girls to go with guys who aren't there boyfriend fuck sake and fuck you' he's such a nice person right.

I just can't find the way to tell him to fuck of out my life because he treats me like shit. Everyone knows he does even fans of the boys are noticing to.

I had just downed my eighth shot that night when I felt a presence come up behind me.

"You alright" he asked. I turned around and saw Conor Maynard. One of my best friends since I moved to London last year. Funny actually I met him here. At this club.

"Yeah" I nod sighing, when my phone flashed again

"Just leave it babe, ignore him for the night have fun" Conor said as I placed my hand on my phone. I looked up at Conor before dropping my phone into my bag

"That's my girl, come on let's get more drinks" he said grabbing my hand and pulling me through the crowd of sweaty people.

I could smell the alcohol of Conor's breathe and there's no doubt he can smell it of mine as well. But hey you only live once right.

I only asked for a shot since I don't think I could drink another full glass.

"You do look hot tonight" Conor mumbled in my ear

"Thank you Conor, but watch out if my boyfriend heard you, he'd try kill you" I say. Conor looked down at me before sighing and walking of.

"Yeah" he sighed

I was taken back, but put my empty shot glass down next to Conor's and tried catching up with him.

I saw his light pink hoodie, and his ruffled messy curly ish hair. So I scurried along, As he walked out the door

"Whats wrong"I ask running over to him. He finally stopped walking and turned to look at me

"I'm sick of hearing everything about your boyfriend. Oh my boyfriend this and my boyfriend that I can't be bothered to hear his name coming from your mouth anymore y/n, we can't have a normal conversation without you bringing him up and I can't-" I couldn't be bothered standing in the cold listening to him complain at me. So I done the only thing I could think of and god it felt amazing. That's right I kissed him. With such force we stumbled back,his back pressed against the wall as our lips moved in sync

"Y/n" Conor breathed pulling back slightly "what about your boyfriend this is wrong"

"I don't care" I mumble

"I can't do that if your dating someone I'm sorry" Conor said before kissing my cheek and walking of "I'll call you later"

I watched as he got into an uber. That kiss felt magical amazing, it felt right. It wasn't the way that my boyfriend kissed me. This kiss was so much better I actually felt something. So I done the thing I've been to scared to do

Conor Maynard imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now