The best breakdown

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I pushed open the door and walked up the many flights of stairs, and I knocked on the answer.

Mhm this is different there's usually always an answer.

I searched my bag for the key which I successfully found and I opened the door.

But it was silent.usually there's music blasting and laughing.but no the lights were on but it was like no ones home.

This isn't like all, and me being his best friend should know this isn't right

Something about this doesn't feel right

"Conor" I call through the house but no answer.

I made my way slowly up the stairs and I slowly opened Conor's door.

"Con" I mumble, I walked into his room and saw him laying on his bed. Three vodka bottles on his desk and one by his bed side table and a beer bottle in his hand as he sobbed into the pillow

"Conor what is going on" I ask and conor lifted his head to look at me

"Life" he said dropping his head back down

"What?" I ask but he doesn't move, so I walk over and sit next to him on the bed and play with his hair,

"Come on sit up" I say nudging him,and he tried lifting himself up but he was to weak so I helped him.i sat him up against the headboard and he looked lifeless

His face pale and his eyes are bloodshot, not to mention his tear stained cheeks

" I just can't do this anymore" he said turning to looking at me. I looked right into his eyes, and I could see he was hurt.

"Do what?" I ask

"Just...I don't know"

"Conor tell me what's happened okay,something has made you feel this way" i say softly.

Conor looked at me before sighing "its to embarrassing to say"

"Conor come on,I'm your best friend you can tell me" I say

"That's part of the reason" he snapped and I was taken back a little

"What" I ask,

" doesn't matter it's just me and Victoria broke up last night"

"Oh Conor im so sorry" I say

"No it doesn't matter anyway" he said tears welling in his eyes

"Just let it out" I say,and tears immediately fell from his eyes

"I loved her so much" he groaned wrapping his arms around my waist and burying his head into my stomach

It hurt to hear my best friend say he loved someone,which isn't me.but I've been put in the best friend category so there's no luck for me

It also hurt to see someone hurt my best friend. And him being like this.

I felt my t-shirt getting damp as I ran my fingers through his hair

"I don't know what to do" He sobbed into my top

"First of you need to stop the drinking,it's going to kill you if you carry on like this and second of all, you don't need Victoria to make you happy,you need to go out and find someone else" I say

"I feel so weak, and I know the boys are gonna say something about Victoria breaking up with me"

"Good friends won't say anything about it Conor and if they do they are just joking around trying to mess with you" i say "is there anything else bothering you?"

"I.....yeah" he sighed

"Tell me"

"I can't,as I said it's embarrassing for me"

"Conor you embarrass yourself all the time,I think it's fine" I say and I felt Conor chuckle lightly

"It's just there this girl" he said sitting up and leaning against the head board again,but he didn't make eye contact he was looking at the wall in front of us "and she's amazing"

I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces. I was hoping he would say it was me.but no, it's someone else

"And I want to tell her how I feel but I'm to scared incase I get rejected and you know I can't handle being rejected" Conor said "and I'm just trying to find a way to tell her"

I needed to leave before I blurt out how I really feel about him.

"Well you should call her,and see if she feels the same but I need to go" I say

"Y/n wait"

"Sorry,just call that girl to make you happy" I sigh and I got out the room running down the stairs

I got to the door and my phone started ringing, so I stopped to answer it.

"Hello" I say


"Conor why are you.." I say but I turn around and see him standing at the bottom of the stairs

"You told me to call the amazing girl I love so I'm doing it" he said and my heart dropped

"What" I say my voice breaking

"Y/n will you go on a date with me" Conor asked.i can't believe what's going on tears slowly sliding my cheeks

I just nod and see Conor smile, he ended the call and we walked towards each other before Conor's lips hit mine.

His hands on my waist and my arms around his neck.

Conor Maynard imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now