Thank you, thank you

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"Guess what" I say walking into the bedroom of my studio apartment I share with my five year old son.

"What" he replies a big grin on his face. I've always wanted a kid since I was young.

And then I was stupid enough to get pregnant at age fifteen. I honestly thought it ruined my life. But as soon as i held my baby in my arms I fell in love.

Although my parents disapproved and I no longer speak to them, well they left me alone. I had to get myself a studio apartment. It has one bedroom, the kitchen and living room are together and the bathroom is a tiny like the size of a closet

I have a job but it's not full time. I only work for four hours a day when my son, Tyler goes to school.

It's hard, and I struggle for money but we get through some how

"Since you have had an amazing report I will let you buy anything you like from toys r us" I say, and the smile on his face made my heart melt as he ran towards me engulfing me in a big hug

"I love you mum" he grinned

"I love you to honey, now go get ready" I put money into my bag before checking if Tyler was ready and he was

I held his hand as we walked along to toys r us. The whole way they're he was talking about how excited he was. Apparently everybody at school has this Star Wars Lego kit.

And he was dying for one and I knew he was going straight for that. I couldn't help but laugh at his excitement. Like a little kid on Christmas Day.

The doors opened and Tyler was quick to run In "hurry up mum" he smiled rushing me

"I'm coming I'm coming" I laugh as he pulled me around the shop. Finally we found the lego section, it took us a while but we found it

"Are you sure this is what you want honey" I ask, I heard laughter from behind me. Turning my head slightly to see a group of boys, who were filming themselves and looking at different toys

"Yes yes yes" he jumped up and down hugging the box against his chest, his smile only growing wider, a few of the guys next to us turning to look before looking away again, but one kept his eyes on me

"Come on then" I smile as we walked up to the counter

"Hi there" the woman behind the counter smiled

"Hi" Tyler grinned placing the toy on the counter

"Alright thats fifty five pound please" she smiled. I went into my purse knowing I didn't have the right amount money in my purse making my heart drop

"That's all I have" I mumble sliding the notes across the counter

"Sorry ma'am but you're eleven short" she said

"Does that mean I can't get the lego" Tyler asked as my eyes slowly looked into his bright blue ones

"Honey" I say holding his hands as I crouch down next to him, noticing that next to me was that group of boys from earlier not paying attention to me but to a camera as they all laughed

"I'm sorry, but I can't afford this right now" I say my eyes beginning to water at the sight of my son who's just been crushed

"But you promised" he whined. I saw one of the guys head turn towards me but I ignored it trying not to let my son break down

"I know, but I can save money and then we can come back next month I promise baby, I just don't have the money right now"

"But mum I want it now, and you promised because I got a good report card I could get whatever I want" he said tears sliding down his face

"I know baby I'm sorry but I promise next month"

"Excuse me" a blue eyed man said walking over to us bending down to be the height of me and Tyler "I heard that you done really well on you're report card" he said smiling and Tyler nodded

"which only means you should get that lego yeah?"

"Yeah but we can't get it" Tyler said wiping his eyes

"No worry, I'll pay whatever is needed" he said looking at me as I stood up and he followed

"No honestly I can't let you do that" I say

"Please I insist. He deserves it and I know what it's like to be a child and really want something so please let me pay" he said placing his hand on my shoulder a pleading look on his eyes that he really needed to pay for this toy

"No honestly it's to much. At least let me pay you back"

"No seriously it's okay"

"Thank you so so much honestly" I say as he handed his card to the cashier

"Thank you" Tyler smiled

"It's alright, what's you're name then?"


"Nice to meet you Tyler I'm Conor" he said shaking Tyler's hand

"And what's you're beautiful mothers name" Conor asked smiling and I blushed.

"Y/n" Tyler said

"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl" Conor said looking at me smiling

"Real smooth" I giggle as we walked away from the cashier and out the store.

I saw the guys standing waiting next to a car obviously an uber.

"I try" he shrugged chuckling slightly

"I can't thank you enough for buying that for him. We're not in the best situation for money right now. And it honestly means a lot"

"Hey don't worry about it please, he's done well deserves a treat" Conor said and I nodded "well I better get going, but umm can I get you're number?"

"Sure" I nod he typed it into his phone before putting it back in his pocket "again thank you" I say lifting Tyler onto my hip

"I'll text you later" Conor winked walking of to his friends.

Conor Maynard imaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora