I can't marry you

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"You look beautiful honey" my mum smiled, as i looked at myself in the mirror.

"Really?" I ask sighing

"Yes,and don't doubt it" she smiled

"Mum is this right? Am I doing the right thing" I ask

"Well I think so,but I can't tell you that, why what's on your mind?" She asked

"Nothing,I just...nothing I'm fine in just nervous" I say "especially since I don't have dad to walk me down the isle" I say

"I know it you know he would of loved to be here right now" my mum said "and we do miss him but he is here with you right here" she said putting her hand on her hand

"I miss him" I say

"I know honey,so do I" she said giving me a hug

"Can I speak to Conor before he walks me down the isle?" I ask

"Of course" my mum said going to get him.i looked at myself in the mirror running my hand over my dress

"Wow" Conor said walking into the room

"Do I look okay" I ask looking at him behind me in the mirror

"You look beautiful" he said walking closer to me

"Thanks" I say smiling

"You ready" he asked

"Yeah" I nod

"Come here" he said pulling me into a hug "I love you,and I promise that Nathan is a very luck man"

"I love you to,thanks for everything" I smile as I held a tight grip on him.the way he held me made me feel happy.god why am I feeling this way towards him,I'm getting married for god sake.

"Come on" Conor said taking my hand and we walked the doors

Since my dad passed away a few years ago,I asked my best friend Conor Maynard to walk me down the isle.

I made sure that my mum and all the boys sat in the front, because they mean the most to me.the people I couldn't live without.

Me and Conor liked arms and walked to the doors.everyone stood up and looked at us

"You ready" Conor asked

"As I'll ever be" I say and we began to walk.all eyes on me.i wasn't even looking at Nathan I was looking at the wall in front of me

What if Nathan wasn't the one for me.what if the man standing next to me is.

We got up and Conor shook hands with Nathan before kissing cheek and sitting down next to my mum

Conor had this look in his eye.this look that makes me feel like he's maybe jealous.

"Nathan do you take y/n to be your lawfully wedded wife.for as long as you both shall live"

"I do" Nathan smiled

"Y/n do you take Nathan tone your lawfully wedded husband for as long as you both shall live"

"I..." I froze,I looked at Nathan before looking at my mum who was nodding telling me to go on,but then I made eye contact with Conor.he was looking back at me, sadness in his eyes "I can't" i say and everyone gasped

"What" Nathan asked

"I'm sorry,I can't" I say letting go of Nathan's hand and running down the isle

I ran into the back room I was in before and sat down crying

Conor's POV:

"Nathan do you took y/n to be your lawfully wedded wife for as long as you both shall live"

"I do" Nathan said.my heart breaking once more. I can't watch her marry someone else.i love this girl so much I always have since the first day I met her

When it was her turn to say 'I do' she froze, she looked at Nathan before her Mum.then she made eye contact with me.i could see it in her eyes she knew she was making the wrong decision even I did.i love her.

"I...I can't" she said and everyone gasped even me

"I'm sorry" she said before running down

Me and her mum looked at each other before I stood up and ran down the isle everyone watching me

I ran into the back room and saw her sitting on the chair crying

"Y/n" I say,she lifted her head to look at me

"I can't do this,it's all wrong" she said standing up and walking over to me

"You love him y/n, you said so yourself" I say wiping away her tears

"I don't know if I do Con-" she began but the door opened.her Mum walked in followed by all the boys

"Y/n honey what's going on" her mum asked giving her a hug

"I can't do this" she cried

All the boys stood behind me, looking more confused than anyone else.

"Y/n" Nathan said coming in the room "what's wrong"

"Nathan I'm sorry" y/n cried walking over to him.we all turned to look at them both "I can't marry you"

"Why?" Nathan asked "I love you" Nathan said

"I know and thank you for everything but there's someone else" she said turning to look at me.my heart skipped a beat.what? She likes me back.

The boys and her Mum gasped slightly looking at me but I couldn't take my eyes of y/n

"I'm sorry" she said hugging Nathan

"No it's okay,as long as your happy then..it's fine" Nathan sighed. Before leaving the room

"Y/n" I say walking over to her

"Conor" she replied

I put my hand on her waist and pulled her closer to me, I lent in and our lips brushed against each other before she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me properly

"Didn't expect that" jack said

"Either" her Mum mum said and the boys chuckled

"I love you" I  whispered

"I love you to" she replied smiling.she pecked my lips one more time before everyone came over and hugged us all

"I'm so happy your happy" her mum said hugging us both

"So am i,this feels right" y/n smiled giving me a hug

Everyone left the room leaving me and y/n

"Be my girlfriend" i ask pulling away from the hug

"Of course" she giggled kissing me again

"Now let's get you out this dress" I say and she giggled

Conor Maynard imaginesWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu