Just a month ago

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Conor's POV:

I opened the door to my favourite restaurant Nandos. Today is joes birthday so we've all come out for a meal

We took a seat at a table And quickly ordered our food before messing around and joking.

Then I saw her.the girl I called mine just a month ago.i haven't seen her since then and my god she's still as beautiful as ever.

But following behind her was a man.even though we broke up my heart still sunk to my stomach

She was laughing as she sat down at her table.

"At least she's happy bro" jack said and I nodded before looking down at my phone

"Buddy don't let that bring your down come on cheer up" Oli said

"I know sorry" I say putting my phone down

I just can't stop thinking that just a month ago me and her were laughing,kissing and just loving life

But since she left I haven't felt happy or that I was loving life.when she left my insomnia really kicked in

I've always had it but she helped me get through it.and now, no one can do that.

I lay awake at night remember all the memories we've shared together.the laughs, the cries and whenever an argument we have springs to my mind it breaks me.

Because I just wanted to hurt her.well that's what anger wanted not me.i never wanted to hurt her I wanted to protect her

But I let anger get the best of me,so she left and that's it. And its my fault

If I wasn't so stupid I could have helped her through things she needed instead I was selfish and thought she was fine but clearly not.

She clearly wasn't okay.she wanted our love to end.but I can't stop thinking about her.

Her gorgeous eyes.her contagious smile and laugh.she was amazing and one of a kind

And I wasted it.i threw it away because I didn't care enough for her. Why do I always do this

As I looked over at her table, she was laughing holding the mans hand.i still can't believe that she's moved on that quick.

I haven't even thought about other girls it's just her on mind.

Her smile made me smile.knowing that she was happy made me happy.but knowing that she was happy but it wasn't me that was making her feel that way breaks my heart

Just a month ago I told her I loved her and that she was mine.so told me she was going no where but I guess life's cruel

"Dude stop staring" joe said taking me out my train of thought

"S-sorry" I say

"Buddy,it's fine okay.just remember she's happy now and if you want go speak to her" Oli said and I shook my head there's no way

I saw her look over at our table.she smiled but not at me but at joe

She said something to her date before coming over.shit my heart is pounding.

"Happy birthday joe" she said

"Thanks" he said standing up to give her hug.she hugged everyone else but didn't even look at me. I understand though I treated her like shit that night.kissing another girl what was I thinking?

"Well I need to go but it was good seeing you's" she said smiling at everyone but not even making eye contact with.

But I was looking at her, and when her eyes finally caught me she looked right at me

"Conor" she said

"Y/n" I reply.

We stared into each other's eyes as the boys slowly began to talk again.

My feelings instantly grew those minutes of staring into each other's eyes

"I umm I need to err go"she said

"Y/n wait" I say but she already turned around.

The rest of the night she wasn't looking to happy.her date was talking but she seemed to be thinking about something else.i wonder what though

She wasn't laughing anymore just staring.i know that face,I dated her for three years I know when something's wrong.

She was pulling her,'this is so wrong' face

I'm really confused.her date checked his phone before giving her money a hug and a peck on the lips and leaving

But she stayed seating.looking around.i made eye contact with her for a few seconds before she stood up. And walked out.

I immediately stood up and followed her out

"Y/n" I yell running after her

"Don't" she said

"What" I asked I stopped but she kept walking

"Don't confuse me" she said

"Y/n" he say walking up to her.i grabbed her hand and turned her around to face me

"Conor" she mumbled

"Y/n I.....I love you,I can't stop thinking about you,I made a stupid mistake but I've missed you so much over this month.i can't sleep at night knowing that I'm not the one making you happy.i need you y/n" I say holding her hands

"Conor,im just confused,when I made eye contact with our earlier all these feelings came to me,the same ones we had when we first met,but I don't know if I can test you again"

"I know and you ever right not to but just know that i didn't mean to hurt you,I want to protect, I want to be one you go to if you need anything, I love you"

"Conor...I" she said staring into my eyes

"Y/n please" I whisper placing my forehead on hers

"Conor Maynard I love you to" she said,and I smiled.i snaked my arms around her waist and kissed her.it took her a few seconds but she eventually kissed me back and it felt right

"Bye the way.that guy I was with, I met him on tinder yesterday he's a dick" she said making me chuckle

"Y/n will you be my girlfriend again?" I ask

"Of course" she giggled going up on her tip-toes to kiss me

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