Can you hold me?

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Today has been the worst day ever.lets start from the beginning. I woke up at 8 am this morning which meant I was an hour late for work

I've been late a fair few times and this was the last straw.thats right I was fired. Then to make things better I had to carry all my stuff from the office into my car which I dropped half way down the eight flight of stairs I had to walk down.

I got home to find I still haven't paid my fine for a parking ticket I got a few months ago and I need to go to court.

I broke up with my boyfriend two days ago because he cheated on me and now I'm here.

Standing outside my best friend Conor Maynard's flat, in the heaviest rain possible waiting for him to answer the buzzer

"Hello" he groaned into the buzzer

"Can you let me in" I sob he didn't reply he just buzzed me in

I walked in and walked up the many flights of stairs.i walked along the corridor until I reached Conor's apartment and it was already open with Conor standing there,shirtless might I add and leaning against the door frame with his eyes closed

"Hey" I say

"Y/n it's 1am what are you doing" he asked

"Today has been the worst day" I cry

"Shit" he sighed "come in"

"I'll get you clothes to change into" he said walking into his room.i took my shoes of to find my stocks dripping with water

Conor came back through with a hoodie and trackys "you left these last time" he said throwing me my fluffy socks

"Thanks" i say taking them and walking into Conor's bathroom.

I changed and tied my hair up into a pony tail and walked back into the living room to find Conor sitting on his phone.

"Are you crying" he asked as tears fell down my cheeks

"Iv just had a really horrible day" I say

"Wanna tell me about it" Conor asked as I wiped the tears away

I told him everything

"And to top things of I got fired" I say


"I was late again" I say

"God" Conor said as I began to cry again "I'm sorry you had a stressful day"

"It's not your fault" I sigh "and he keeps trying to get in contact"

"Just ignore him.he treated you like shit and you don't deserve that.even if you can be a bit of a prick sometimes" Conor smiled and I chuckled

We sat in silence for a minute.but I thought about everything and kept crying

"It's alright y/n" Conor said "you don't need to cry" he mumbled wiping away my tears

"Can you just, hold me" I ask hoping he'd say yes

"No you have cooties" Conor said and i shot him a 'fuck of' look "of course come here" he chuckled pulling me up by my waist to sit on his knee

Conor Maynard imaginesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora