Wrong text

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What..no it can't be. Do I need glasses or does this pregnancy test say positives. Nope it definitely does shit.

What am I suppose to tell Conor. We've spoke that neither of us are ready for this. What if he leaves me. What if he wants to stay but makes me abort the baby?

No. Conor wouldn't do that. If I know Conor he would stick by me the whole time. But what if I'm wrong.

Just yesterday. Literally just yesterday we agreed to wait a little longer before we even speak about having kids. We don't even live in the same house for goodness sake

Shit I'm so stupid. I can't even remember I time we didn't use protection. What am I going to tell Conor "oh by the way, I'm pregnant"

He's been away for a couple weeks now. On a tour around America. And won't be back for a few more weeks.

Should I wait. Or should I just tell him. Crap I really need help. So I went to the only person I could think of. Josh.

Me:josh I'm pregnant. I don't know what to do. I can't tell Conor. I really need help right now.

I threw my phone onto the bed before taking a seat. Dropping my head into my hands.

"I'm so stupid" I mutter to myself. I don't know why I'm taking this out on my self. It's more Conor's fault than anything.

I can't really say that. But it's his sperm not mine.

''What? Are you joking! Why didn't you tell me,call me now so we can talk about this. Also it's not josh xx'

My heart froze. Who is it then? I looked at the name and my while body tensed. The name read 'handsome😍'

Shit. God how many times can I mess up.

I hesitantly clicked onto the FaceTime symbol. My thumb hovered above it before I pressed the button. It only took three rings before Conor's face appeared on the screen


"Hey" I say

"So.. your pregnant" Conor asked. His voice shaking

"Yeah.i'm sorry"

"Don't apologies babe. This is in now way for fault. If anything it's mine" Conor chuckled

"You aren't going to leave me"

"Y/n come on. You know me there's no way I'm leaving"

"What about abort. Are you going to make me abort it"

"What the fuck no. God no. I'm not horrible y/n" Conor said. Sounding hurt. Shit maybe I should have said that

"I'm sorry. I just don't know what to think" I sob

"Don't cry okay. We can work together and do this. But why didn't you tell me"

"I only found out an hour ago. I just didn't want you to leave me" I say

"I'm not. Don't even think about that. But I am coming home early"

"No Conor just stay"

"I want to be there to support you. My managers arranged it okay" Conor said and I nodded

"This wasn't how I was hoping I would tell you I was pregnant" I chuckle

"No either did I. But we can make this a good thing instead of worrying about it okay" Conor said and I nodded smilin slightly "it's exiting"

"I know but we don't even live in the same house"

"Well we can"


"Move in with me" Conor blurted out. Cutting me of my sentence


"I live alone. Why not. There's enough spare rooms and after we have the baby we can get enough money to move out and buy a house of our own"Conor said. I was hesitant thinking if we really should. Screw it we're having a baby for god sake

"Yeah" I nod smiling

"Great. We can sort it when I get back tomorrow. But I need to go and pack. I love you"

"I love you to" I smile before ending the call. Maybe something good will happen out of this.

What am I saying. Of course it will. We're having a baby.

Sorry it's short. But I'm low-key hungover so it's not gonna be much all I want to do is sleep.

Anyway hope you guys enjoyed that one even though it wasn't my best ❤️

Thank you all for my birthday wishes 😘

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