He's gone

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Today was the worst day of my life. I need to get home and see my family before the funeral.

I've kept the tears back all day. Only because the boys were around, although I did have a cry in the bedroom when I got the call.

I can't bring myself to tell Conor. It's to hard to even get the words out. The feeling overtaking my body is making me feel sick.

I already miss him, and I wish I spent more time with him when I had the chance.

Not to mention today has been stressful even before the devastating news that will change my life.

All the boys were round, leaving a mess everywhere. And I know I'll have to clean it up.

I just want to sit in the bedroom Cry. But I can't because I need to continue to cook dinner, clean the mess.

I felt the tears springing to my eyes. And I lost it.

Conor sat in the living room on his phone. Completely ignoring the mess around him.

"I'll do it later" Conor said as I began to pick the rubbish and empty beer bottles

"No it's fine" I sigh,not looking up at him.

I stormed into the kitchen throwing everything into the bin. And immediately pulling things out to cook dinner.

I grabbed a knife. And a chopping board and began to cut peppers for tonight's dinner.

"What we having for dinner" Conor asked walking into the kitchen

"Pasta" I say

"Again?" He asked

"Yes Conor, again, once again were having pasta. And if you don't want that why don't you cook dinner yourself" I say

"Alright relax. You've been uptight all day what's wrong" he asked calmly

"Nothing" I say shaking my head, my vision going blurry from the tears forming in my eyes.

A sharp pain formed in my finger, as I let out a yelp

"Fuck" I say tears sliding down my hands. Blood running down my finger

"Shit" Conor said grabbing a paper towel and wetting it before putting it on my finger. Tears running down my face.

I knew this is it. The last straw. I broke down in front of Conor. As he cleaned up my finger and put a bandage on it

I quickly turned around, not wanting to look him in the eyes. I looked down at pool of blood sitting on the chopping Board

Placing my hands either side of the counter. Head down. Tears falling onto the island

"Baby what's wrong" Conor asked placing his hands around my waist

"STOP-DONT TOUCH ME" I snapped, making Conor quickly back of

"Y -y/n" he whispered as he took a few steps closer to me

"Just don't touch me" I sob. I slowly turned around to see the hurt and shocked expression on his face and immediately guilt filled me up.

"Conor I'm so sorry" I cry, wrapping my arms around him. He was a little hesitant to hug me back, but when he did he kept his arms around my neck keeping me tight against him. As he rubbed my back

"Baby,what's wrong" he asked pulling back from the hug. I went to open my mouth to tell him but I couldn't. My legs gave away and I fell to the floor,but Conor caught me

Sitting down next to me and pulling me into him. My head against his chest.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you" I cry

"It's okay. Just please...please tell me what's wrong" he whispered

I sat up and looked him in the eyes. Tears falling down my cheeks every second.

"He's gone Conor"

"Who's gone" his calming voice keeping me relaxed but the tears wouldn't stop. I mean when you hear the news I did, it's kinda hard for the tears to stop.

"My-my dad" I cry

"Come here" Conor said pulling me into him. Keeping his arms around me in a tight embrace "I'm so sorry" he mumbled

The rest of the night we stayed sitting on the kitchen floor, talking about the memories I shared with my dad when I was younger.

Keeping each other in a warm embrace: as we laughed at stupid things me and my dad done when I was younger and crying at the sad things that happened, and overall just enjoying talking to each other.

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