No more time

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Trigger warning

He's ill and she knew it. Except he didn't. He didn't know he was ill, he didn't know he was dying and he didn't know she was scared to go to sleep every night in case something happened to him and she couldn't do anything about it.

So she didn't sleep, she laid awake keeping eyes open to make sure he's okay 24/7. He just hasn't been the same the last two months, according to her or his friends. But he chose to ignore them and carried on, thinking nothing was wrong

"Conor please, let's just go get you checked out and if it's nothing then great, but it would help me sleep at night knowing we know the answer" she said

"Y/n nothing is wrong with me, I'm completely fine" he said, trying to convince her that going for a checkup at the doctors really wasn't necessary and she was just being over dramatic but she wouldn't drop it.

"watch this" she said grabbing his arm, she pushed her thumb lightly into the skin to reveal that when she pulled her hand away a small bruise had already began to form "Conor that's not normal at all" she said pointing at his arm, again he shrugged her off completely ignoring his girlfriends concern

"Not to mention, you've lost so much weight, you've had headaches almost everyday and the coughing up blood. Why won't you go get checked out" she asked starting to get frustrated with the man

"Because, most of that is all down to my insomnia , and when I coughed up blood I actually had the flu so that answers that question" he said watching his girlfriend sigh deciding to give up on persuading him.

Although that did make him feel a little bad.He knows she's just trying to help him out because she is genuinely worried. "But fine, if it'll make you feel better I'll get checked out. But it will be nothing" he said

"Yay thank you baby" she smiled wrapping her arms around him, and pecking his lips. He chuckled at his relieved girlfriend as she picked up the phone proceeding to make a doctors appointment.

Maybe she was just over reacting but then again,it's always safe than sorry right??

And two days later off they went, with Conor getting unawarely sicker and weaker, and y/n getting more and more worried they went to the doctors.

Both with fear in their hearts, but staying strong for each other. They were a good couple, most agree. And they are both always there for each other...sometimes a little too much. But yet again that's love.

"Conor Maynard" the doctor called out, getting the attention of y/n and Conor, along with a few others. They both nodded before standing up and walking towards the doctor who had a happy grin on her face "Hi, I'm dr jones nice to meet you" she smiled as the pair took a seat behind her desk watching patiently as she sat down "how can I help you today"

Deciding Conor wouldn't tell the complete truth, y/n stepped in making sure she knew everything "Well recently I've noticed Conor hasn't been himself. He's lost loads of weight, he's bruising easily and he seems to be taking pain killers Almost everyday due to a constant headache along with coughing up blood and becoming really weak" she said, her hands getting fidgety in her lap as they both waited for the doctor to write everything y/n had told her, down

"Okay, you aren't on any other medication" the dr asked looking at Conor, just for him to shake his head "do you suffer from any other illnesses or?"

"I have insomnia but I wouldn't really class that as an illness I guess" the pop star shrugged, starting to feel a little nervous himself for once. Realising what y/n has said has been true.

Conor Maynard imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora