60 Facts about me

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Heyooo I'm bored so I though I'd list 60 facts about me. Alsoooo let me know some stuff about you :)))

Comment anything else you want to know about me. I'm just really bored and wanna do something lmaooo

1.i am the second oldest of four other siblings. Two brothers and two sisters

2.im 20 years old

3.i was born and raised in London.

4.i have a step mum and step dad. It's very confusing on how my parents ended up meeting new people.Cba explaining though soz

5.im closest with my two brothers

6.i met up with Alex McDonald on the 10/6/17 lmao best day of my life

7.my favourite singer atm is Shawn mendes

8.i have met Conor and jack Maynard ages agoooooo

9.right now im a Dj, as a job

10.i no longer speak to my parents because of complications lmao

11.when I was younger I always wanted to be a Disney princess I mean who doesn't

12.i managed to pass my GCSE just by a little. What? I done sports all through high school

13.i am flexible, I done gymnastics and cheerleading all my life

14.i went to a club last night and my god where the boys there hella cute

15.i love everyone

16.my favourite book to read on Wattpad is anything written by @suggfic @tizniz and @kanwalbi (they're all amazing at writing check them out)

17.i lost my virginity when I was 16 lmao oops

18.i was once in an slightly abusive relationship but lmao im fine (no sympathy)

19.im thinking of moving to LA

20.i have a disease where I can't be bothered to do anything

21.im a very sarcastic person, if you couldn't tell

22.the last time I kissed a boy was last night. Lolll slag Byeeee

23.in my lifetime I have broken my arm, my shoulder and now I broke my leg

24.i am getting surgery next week for my knee. Wish me luck lolll

25. I have had my wisdom teeth removed

26. I'm currently single boys hmu. Lol no one will. Do boys read Wattpad storys? lol anyway...

27. I love horror movies and romance. A romantic horror? No okay

28.i am very picky on who I'm friends with and who I trust

29.my favourite food is pizza. Yes like Caspar lee

30. My favourite YouTuber has to be Joesph sugg. He's so funny

31.my least favourite YouTuber is probably Michale Pearce. Loll sorry he just annoys me. I still like him though.

32.im definitely wasting my life lollll

33.i like to say lol, lmao and bye a lot

34.i love meeting new people. I like talking

35.im very competitive

36.i love dancing, I will literally dance wherever. Last week I danced in the middle of town with a cast on my leg.

37.i love love love to embarrass my friends

38. I'm very confident and like to shout at random times. No I do not have turrets.

39.i have just cleared up my meningitis. I know I'm disgusting right

40.i have a step brother who's like a week old I think. Wow I'm such a bad sister

42.im obsessed with Conor Maynard new song 'understand me'

43.i love McDonald's and KFC.
what a fatty lmaooo

44.i love making people laugh and smile

45.my girl crush would have to be Alissa violet I mean she's so pretty ughhhhh. I don't have very high standards lol okay bye

46.i have ALOT of free time. Get some friends Chantel god lmao

47. My sister named me as one of the main characters in her book. Check her page out @hoyaaboi *cough* plug *cough*

48.my Bestest friend is called daisy and she's a slag lmao soz boo

49.i always call people 'girl' and no I don't assume genders. Guys come on ;)

50.i used to work in Jenner lmaoooo

51.i want two kids. A girl and then a boy. But not to much of an age gap So they'll be close as they grow up you know

52.i love the name Emily. Idk why it just sounds satisfying to say

53.one of my friends I called Emily and she's from America. No one cares Chantel leave.

54.i get judged a lot because of how loud I am. But lmfao who cares

55.i always tell people to live life to the fullest. Cringe I know but do it seriously

56.i used to have depression but I fought threw it :)))

57.this guy at the club last night asked me if I wanted a quickie in the toilet. lol no. I'm not getting an STD

58.it takes a while for me to open up

59.i can't wait to settle down in life

60.i absolutely hate it when people try and talk to you when your listening to a song and singing along. But nope they don't care. They will talk to you and you really want to scream at them but your enjoying the song to much so you block them out. Lmao me all the time

Sooo I hope that helped you guys learn more about me. Once again I'm bored and would love if you guys have anything you wanna ask me, just ask in the comments

Love you's alllllll ❤️❤️

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