The best hour and a half of my life

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A/n:this is a long chapter so be prepared {1569 words}

The doors opened and I stepped in, pressing floor 16, the lift doors opened at floor 3 and in stepped the one person I didn't want to see

My ex boyfriend Conor Maynard, we met through An interview, as we're both singers.we dated for two years before we cut it of. We still come to the same studio we have to.were both signed but NeYo.

Although this is the first time we've seen each other since we broke up which was two months ago.

I guess we've been avoiding each other, or we just come to record at different times.

I looked him right In the eyes.his blue eyes no longer twinkling,but dull and empty and his smile into a sad meaningless frown.

He stepped into the lift and pressed the same button I did.

God it was awkward.the only noise coming from his headphones draped around his neck, and even that was fading around us

"So" we both say at the same time, causing us to look each other

"Long time no see huh" Conor said

"Yeah" I nod "how have you been?"

"Umm alright I guess,you?"

"Yeah been better but you know everything's fine" I say we stood in silence again but the lift dropped.causing me to stumble

But Conor was quick to wrap his arms around my waist and catch me,and also hold himself up.

"I think we're stuck" Conor said still holding it wrong that I didn't want him to let go.that I wanted to stay in that embrace for as long as I could?

Why am I feeling this way? God we broke it of,he probably has a girlfriend again,it wouldn't surprise me,he always had girlfriends before we were together, I guess that's one of the reasons we broke up

"Great" I say

"You alright by the way" he asked as he slowly unraveled his arm around me

"Umm Yeah" I nod running my fingers through my hair. We looked each other in the eyes before he spoke

"We should try call someone" he said and I nodded. He lent over me slightly pressing the alarm a few times but it stopped working

"Is anyone in there" someone yelled banging on the lift door it was Conor's managed Aaron

"Yeah,what's going on" Conor yelled

"There's been a black the lifts stuck" Aaron yelled

"How long is it gonna be" I yell

"Umm hang hour and a half" he said

"Are you joking" Conor asked

"Good luck man" Aaron said

"Why good luck?"

"Because your stuck with ex aren't you?"

"Umm yeah"

"That must be awkward" Aaron yelled

Conor Maynard imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now