You need to live with the jealousy

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Jacks POV:

"Did you have to deal with that everyday" joe mumbled, As me and the rest of the boys looked over at y/n and Conor

Y/n sat on the kitchen counter, Conor standing in front of her pecking her lips every two seconds

"Yes" I sigh I hated looking at them together. Like I still don't know how Conor ended up with a girl like her!

"Ohh are you jealous mate" Mikey teased poking my side

"No fuck of" I say

"Chill out man,it's fine if you are" Caspar said

"If you are what" Conor asked,as he held y/n hand walking into the living room with us and sitting down pulling y/n on his lap

"Nothing" I say shaking my head

"You sure" y/n asked smiling at me slightly

"Yeah it's fine"I say shaking my head and focusing back on the tv

Me and Conor looked at each other before he shrugged and I chucked slightly dropping my head into Conor's shoulder and he snaked his arms around my waist

"Chum me to the toilet" I mumble to Conor pouting

"Yeah I need to go as well" he said and we stood up and went to the toilet

I sat down as Conor sorted his hair out in the mirror

Jacks POV:

Y/n and Conor got up and left the room and both went into the bathroom.i am jealous okay i'll tell you that but I don't want to admit it

"Jack" josh said

"Yeah" I ask

"So are you jealous?"

"No" I say

"Buddy" Caspar laughed

"You can tell us" Oli said

"Okay maybe a little" I say "but I can't do anything about it can I"

"I mean you could try and find someone else" Mikey shrugged

"Oh wow Mikey what good advice" I say

We heard Conor and y/n talking before they both walked into the living room

"Okay I'm going" she smiled grabbing her bag, she hugged us all goodbye, I really didn't want to let go but Conor was standing right there and I don't want it to be awkward

Conor walked her over to the door and we left them to say there goodbyes

When Conor came back through all the boys left as well leaving just me,Conor and josh

"Right im of to bed" josh said, he said goodnight before running into his room

"I'm gonna follow" I say standing up and turning everything of

"What's wrong with you tonight bro" Conor asked


"Oh come on jack,I'm your brother I know when something's up" Conor Said walking over to me

"Nothing is wrong just leave me alone" I snap

"Jack" Conor said sternly

"It's just y/n okay" I yell

"What about her"

"She's beautiful alright, and amazing and I hate thinking that she's dating you" I finally snapped

"Your jealous" Conor said

"Maybe I am" I yell, Conor looked at me right in the eyes trying to see if I'm being serious or not and right now I've never been more serious in my life

"Do you know what, your just going to have to live with the jealousy bro because she's my girlfriend end of" Conor said going to walk up the stairs

"I can't help it if I have feelings for her" I yell

Walking to the steps with Conor and he turned around to look at me

"I know your my brother but if you touch my girlfriend I swear to god" Conor said

"Swear to god what? What will you do Fucking kill me, I just how I feel and your standing there criticising me for it"

"Because she's my girlfriend and I don't need my brother getting in the way of my goddamn relationship" he yelled back,I could see the anger in his eyes "just move on from her"

"Why don't you" I scream what am I saying as if Conor's gonna do that god I'm so stupid

"Fuck you alright y/n Chose me for a reason,stay out of the way of me and her" Conor snapped walking upstairs into his room.i heard his bedroom door slam shut

I turned around and punched the wall, before storming into my room and grabbing my phone

To y/n:
Conor's probably gonna kill me for this but I have to tell you,I love you okay, and I hate knowing that your with Conor and not me.i know Conor's my brother but he doesn't deserve you and maybe I don't either, but I need you to know how I feel about you and I know I love you....

I closed my eyes sighing, I just wanted to go to sleep and pray this is all nothing and it will be forgotten tomorrow


I woke up with the sound of a bang

"I thought I told you to leave me and y/n alone" Conor yelled storming into my room

"What the fuck" I groan sitting up

"I told you yesterday to leave us, and what do you do fucking text her, you've gone to far" Conor yelled

"Babe Leave it" y/n said grabbing Conor's arm

"Wait a second" Conor said

"How did you even find out" I ask

"How did I find out? You texted my girlfriend, do you think she won't tell me? It also might help I know her password" he snapped

"Whatever man" I say standing up and pushing past Conor

"Don't walk away from me,you either need to stay out of mine and y/n relationship all together or find someone else and live with the jealousy"

"I'm done,with you Conor.all I wanted was some support from it,but instead you go crazy"

"Because I don't want to fucking loose her jack,in lucky enough that I have her now" Conor yelled, his blue eyes now burnin with anger

"Just leave me alone" I say

"Fine" Conor said,he grabbed y/n hands and they walked out the house

What have I done?

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