Manchester bombing

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No this isn't an update on the imagines obviously but it's something I really want to talk about.

If you guys don't know last night at Ariana grande's concert in Manchester there was a terrorist attack as the show was ending.

People are saying that it was a suicide bomber due to the fact the suspect that set the bomb of died also.

It completely disgusts me, why someone in the right mind would ever think it's okay to set of a bomb to kill thousands of people,either because of their beliefs or that they want to kill themselves.

Many people lost there life's just because someone believed in something that others didn't?

It's completely disgusting and not okay. Especially since so many children lost there lives. And many people who have lost someone they love.

A few of my friends were part of that bombing and one survived. And that was @babylipsboca I'm so thankful she's okay!!

But two of my other friends are missing. So I've lost my friends because someone set of a bomb?

I don't under how anyone can think that's okay in any way shape or form.

It also shocks me how people are saying that if Ariana grande cancels her shows there taking their Money back! Like what?

If you witnessed your fans dying would you carrying on with your everyday life? The people who made her who she is now? I don't think so, we all need to take time and really think about it.

My thoughts and prayers go out to Manchester, anyone who was part of the attack and also Ariana grande.

But what scares me most, is that I was supposed to be going to the concert, but I broke my leg that day and couldn't go!

If I went my life couldn't of ended. And I can't get my head around that. If I never broke my leg there was a possibly I could have lost my life, which scares me.

That being said,I've decided to take a short break right now,so I can get over the loss of my friends.

But my sister Jannike is going to continue until I can get my head straight again. I hope you don't mind but I really don't feel like writing happy cheerful things just now, until I feel better. I hope you guys understand why though. And of course I'll be back!!

Please,please, please keep your thoughts and prayers for anyone that was in the attack. And if any of you guys went or lost someone in that tragic accident stay strong!!

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