Sneak out proposal

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My phone buzzed scaring me awake.i sighed as I grabbed my phone

Conor-hey,look out your window xxx

I smiled before climbing out of bed,and looking out my window to see Conor, standing there

I open my window wide and lean out slightly

"What are you doing" I whisper but loud enough so he could here

"Well since your parents hate me,I thought the only way to see you is for you to sneak out"

"And you choose 2am to do that" I chuckle

"well yeah,so are you coming?" Conor asked

I sighed before answering "your gonna get me killed" I say before walking away,I grab a hoodie and slid it over my body,I put on leggings and my white cons before grabbing my phone

"Cor take your time" Conor whispered and I laughed slightly

I climbed out the window and walked along to the edge of the roof.

I grabbed onto the tree and pulled my self up,before jumping down into Conor's arms

"Hi" he smiled giving me a kiss

"Hey" I reply

"Come on" he said taking my hand as we ran out the garden and down the street into his car

"So is your aim to get me killed?" I ask

"No" Conor laughed

"Well I am going to if I get caught,my parents are crazy strict" I say

"Exactly why I chose this time so they don't kill me" Conor laughed and I chuckled

"Okay,so where are we going?" I ask

"The beach" Conor said

"Okay" I nod

Conor drove and I snap chatted us

"We're here" Conor said parking up

We got out the car and he wrapped his arms around me

"I missed you" Conor said

"I missed you to" I say leaning up to connect our lips.i wrap my arms around his neck, and ran my fingers through the back of his hair. While he kept a firm grip around my waist

"Y/n" Conor mumbled as we pulled away "I love you"

"I love you to" I smile before pecking his lips

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we walked down the street and down onto the beach

Conor moved his arm away and entwined our fingers. We stayed silent as we both listened to the waves crashing against the sand

It was nice and peaceful. Although if I get caught I'll never be able to see Conor again

Conor took both my hands in his and walked backwards so he was infront of me

Conor Maynard imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now