Need you{smut}

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"Hello" I sob into the phone

"Y/n?" Conor asked

"Are you at home" i sob

"No but I'm like five minutes away in the car" he said "are you...are you crying?"

"Can you just pick me up?"

"Yeah, is everything okay?"

"Yeah just please come quick" I say

"Alright bye" he said

"No wait stay on the phone until you get here please" I say quick.crying inside and out

"Y/n are you okay? What's going on"

"Yeah" I sob

"Alright I'm outside" Conor said

"Okay" I say ending the call.i grabbed my bag

"Where are you going?" My boyfriend screamed at me

"Away from you" I say. Walking to the door

"Your going with that Conor boy aren't you" he spat at me slamming the door shut

"Yes let me go" I ask

"Whore" he spat and slapped me across the face making me cry more than what I was before

Conor-where are you? Need to me come up? Xxx

"Your not going" James yelled

"Let me leave" I yell,I pushed his hand and ran down the hall with him following

I ran out the building and saw Conor getting out his car. He turned around and saw me I flung myself into his arms

"What's wrong" he asked as I lifted my head "what's this" he asked touching my bruise making me flinch

"Oi" James yelled,

"We need to leave" i say and Conor caught me a confused look

Conor wrapped his arms around me keeping me protected

"Get of my girlfriend" James yelled

"No,your hurting her.cant you see that? She deserves so much better than how your treating her,go fuck yourself" Conor said

"Whatever. She's a whore anyway" James said and I tensed up

"Fuck of before I make the hospital your new home" Conor said and James left as I cried into his shoulder

"Come on let's go home" Conor said rubbing my back and we got in the car.

"I finally did it though" I say trying to put a smile on my face.but it hurt. I know Conor wants to say 'I told you so'

You see me and James have been dating for a year.and for the last three months he's been abusing me.but enough is enough

We made it home.its 8:30 and all I want to do is go to bed

"I'll set up the spare room for you" Conor said. And I nodded "y/n look at me" Conor said gently placing two fingers under my chin "your safe now.i promise and I won't let anyone hurt you"

"Thanks Conor" I say smiling slightly.he looked into my eyes before slowly leaning in

"I umm I'm going to bed" I say.

Conor Maynard imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now