Meeting you//you have a what

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"Y/n hurry up" my best friend shouted.i ran over to her and linked our arms

"Okay lets go" my other best friend said

We began walking all five of arm still looped around Mila's

I bumped into a man.

"Sorry" he said looking down at me.he smiled before walking of with his mates

I looked behind me at the same time as him and we smiled at eachother before walking of.

We got into the tube and sat down.

"I'm so tired" I yawn

"Don't be.we have so much shopping to do" Katie said and I laughed

"Excuse me"

"Sorry" I say moving up a bit

I looked over and saw the boy from earlier. He gave me a smile before talking to his friends

"There so fit" Samantha said.he the boy was literally sitting next to me. Our shoulders just touching and his friends sitting in front of us

"They can probably here you,you know" I whisper back a the girls giggled

Chris-hey baby,missing you xxx

I ex.he's always texting me but I'm not going back

I felt the boy next to me looking down at my phone

I handed my phone over to the girls and they read it

"Just ignore him babe" mila said

"Yeah he's not worth it" Nicole added

The boys next to us had gone silent, probably listening to our conversations

There's only three of of them has brown curly ish hair and a little mole under his eye.hes he one sitting next to me

And opposite him is a tall ginger guy and a chubbier guy with brown hair also and a leather jacket

Basic men.

"He just won't leave me alone.i just feel like I need a new man in my life you know" I say and the boy next to me tensed up.what the hell

We all sat in silence friends talking and the the boys friends talking but I scrolled through my phone

"I'm Conor" he said

I lifted my head to look at him

"Y/n" I smile

"I saw you earlier didn't I?" He asked turning around to Face me more

"Yeah,I think so" I nod

"I know I did.i would remember a pretty face like yours anywhere" he said and I giggled "to forward?" He asked looking nervous

"No,not at all,that's nice of you to say" I smile

"Your not from around here are you?"

"No I'm from {wherever your home town is}"

"Ah I thought so" Conor nodded and I smiled

"Are you from Brighton?"

"How'd you know?"

"I know an accent when I hear one" I smile and Conor laughed which made me giggle

His laugh was so cute

"So where are you of to then?" Conor smiled

"Shopping" I sigh

"I take it you don't want to go" Conor laughed

"It's not that,it's just I would rather be at home" I say

"So you don't want to go then" Conor chucked

"No not really" I say and we both laughed "anyway what about you"

"Lunch with the boys,you know how it is." He said

"Nope" I say shaking my head

"Well it's very frustrating let me tell you" he said

"Yeah they look annoying" I nod and Conor agreed

"The ginger ones josh,he at roommate and the others one Mikey" he said

"For the chieds pulled" Mikey laughed

"I'm just telling her who you are,josh, Mikey his is y/n" Conor said

"Hi" I smile "umm this is mila,Nicole,Katy and Lucy" I say

"Hi" the girls smiled

"Are you guys doing anything after this?" Josh asked

"We we're going to go shopping" mila said

"You guys should come out to lunch with us" josh asked raising an eyebrow

"Sure" Nicole smiled and I sighed

Everyone started talking to each other apart from me Conor,we spoke to one and another

"So how old are you?" He asked obviously trying to make small talk

"I'm 21" I say

"Good,I'm 24" he said and I chuckled

"What do you do for work?"

"I'm a singer" he said

"I knew I recognised you" I say "your that singer Conor Maynard"

"Yeah" he laughed as we got of the tube

"Wow, I feel privileged" I say and he chuckled

"And you?"

"I'm a {your dream job}"

"Wow that sounds amazing" Conor smiled

"It is" I say smiling back

"Right,were going to Nandos is that okay with you guys?" Mikey asked

"Yeah" all us girls replied

So we made our way to Nandos, and we sat down in the middle of the restaurant

I was sat in between Conor and Nicole and opposite was Mikey, mila Katy and Elise and of course josh

I wasn't to hungry so I ordered a chicken salad and we all got to know each other

Half way through eating Conor checked his phone.

"Shit,I need to go" he said standing up

"What" josh asked

"Oh yeah it's 3:20 you better be quick" Mikey said

I'm looking at the boys confused

"Can i get your number quickly" Conor asked

"Sure" I nod and I hand him my phone

"Thanks" he said kissing my cheek and he ran of leaving me,my friends and josh and Mikey

"What was that about" Nicole asked

"He had to leave" josh shrugged

Well yeah but nobody just leaves like that? Right..

And he could have just told us we're he was going. It's not a big deal

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