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"Do you know what I hate" Conor said making you look up at him

"What?" You ask

"whenever we go out in public all the boys look at you and i can't even say anything about it" Conor pouted folding his arms

"Yeah but your fans don't know about us yet baby" You say "and they might try and kill me"

"I just want to show you of to the world,tell people you're mine so they stop looking at you all the time" Conor said and you sighed slightly as a small smirk plastered across Conor's lips

"what are you smirking at" you chuckle

"If we can't tell people that your mine" Conor trailed of "can I least give you something so they know" he smirked and You gave him a confused look

His smirk grew as he pulled you onto his lap and buried his head into your neck.then you finally got the idea he was thinking of.

"Get me?" Conor asked

"Yes" you nod.you felt Conor smile against your skin before he gently left open mouth kisses along your neck, placing his hand on the back of your neck

He made sure to make his mark visible, but he can think again if he thinks your not going to cover it up.

He gently nibbled on you're skin causing a small moan to escape you're lips,as You played with his hair.

He pulled you're jumper over you're head and threw it behind him,and then ran his hand up you're top,before pulling that of also

He kissed along you're collar bone,gently biting at the skin,and leaving lazy kisses on you.

He left a couple more kisses before making his way back up you're neck and kissed you're jaw a few times before you're lips.now it was you're go.

I moved us around so he was laying down and I straddled across his lap, sitting up to pull his shirt over his head as he put his hands on my waist

"How many did you leave" You giggle

"Enough to let people know your taken" Conor said and You rolled you're eyes before pecking his lips. You gently kissed his jaw a few times before his neck.he slid his hands down to you're butt as a soft moan fell from his lips.

You left you're first mark just under his jaw. And gently made you're way down.

"Fuck" Conor mumbled as he gently squeezed you're thighs

You left you're marks and pecked his lips.but Conor being Conor slyly made you're soft delicate kiss into a heated make out session.

"Maybe we should tell fans about our relationship if that's your solution" You giggle

"Maybe" Conor smirked "but I'd give you hickeys whenever I wanted"

"I'm covering these up by the way" you say

"Do that,and I'll keep adding more" he said making you laugh

Conor Maynard imaginesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora