Three simple words

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Conor's POV:

I looked across the room. Seeing the Bride and groom. My best friend as the gorgeous Bride and her now husband as the groom.

I guess you could say my feelings were eating me alive more than usual.they're never usually this strong. I guess today was the day where all my chances had gone.

"Dude your looking at her...again" joe said

"What? I can't look at my best friend?"

"You can but now in the way your looking at her making her out with her husband" joe said. The words her husband made me flinch as the boys all gave me a sympathetic smile walking past me.

She does look happy but I wish I was making her feel happy like that.

I watched closely as he took her hand and her loving smile towards him made my heart break. The loving look in her eyes make the jealousy erupt inside my body.

I hear the beat of my heart loudly every time she's near me. Or smiles at me.

I can't stand here watching her with him, slow dancing it's tearing me apart but she wouldn't notice. She doesn't feel that way to me obviously. To her I'm just one of the boys.

I felt my knees go weak and my stomach turn when she kissed him I feel myself breaking each time.

He doesn't look at her in the loving way I would. The way that I want to without anyone saying anything other than 'the way you smile at her really shows you love her'

For the last nine years I've had three words I've been dying to tell her. But I can't I'm scared. Scared of rejection, being laughed at in my face. Ruining our friendship for ever. And I can't afford to loose her.

I watched closely as her husband took his phone out his pocket walking away, she looked a bit confused but smiled as she walked over to my brother, laughing away with the boys.

I wanted to see what he was up to.i know I shouldn't but the Jealousy took control of my body I couldn't stop myself. I made my way out the room and out the door

I saw him standing on the phone. Sitting down on the steps

"Baby I told you I can't come over tonight" my heart stopped and I froze what? He can be cheating on her

"I know but if y/n finds out in dead. I promise tomorrow night I'm all yours. She'll probably be celebrating with her idiots of friends" he laughed and I clenched my first getting angrier

"You can rock my world all night tomorrow I promise princess" I couldn't listen anymore I walked away. Going into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror not knowing what to do

I don't want to be the one to break her her heart. But I have to tell her I can't, keeping that from her will hurt her in the future.

Anger was still boiling inside me as I left the bathroom. I heard talking from outside again so I walked over. I saw y/n now standing with him. His arms wrapped around her

"Hey" I say running down the steps. I pushed him back causing a gasp from y/n

"Conor what are you doing" the anger and jealousy was to much to handle. I couldn't stop the worlds falling from my mouth

"You fucking liar. I heard your phone conversation how can you do that to her"

"What are you talking about man" he chuckled, a nervous expression spread across his face

"Don't act like you don't know. Who's going to rock your world tomorrow night" I ask sarcastically

"Y/n obviously" he laughed reaching a hand out to her

We heard talking behind us, and I looked and saw the rest of their family and the boys walking outside standing watching

"No, because I was supposed to be going out with the boys tomorrow night" she said her voice breaking

"Oh come on. Do you really think I'm cheating on you y/n come on"

"You tell me" she said. Everyone else fell silent. As y/n moved closer to me. Not exactly close enough to touch me but further away from him

"It was a one time thing" he blurted out and everyone gasped including y/n

"I...I can't believe you" she cried pushing him back

"Hey don't cry"

"Don't touch me" she snapped pushing his hand away

"Why would you do this to me" she asked

"Oh do you know what fuck you all. I don't need you" he said before running inside. His family following inside.

Leaving me, y/n the boys and y/n's family standing around

Nobody knew what to say or what to do. Y/n just stood there tears streaming down her face

"Y/n" i mumbled. She looked up at me and she reached out for my arms and wrapped them around her. I pulled her in closer as she sobbed into my chest

A few people muttered something before giving us space and going inside

"Thank you" she said lifting her was


"For telling me who he truly is" she said

"I couldn't live knowing that he was doing that to you" I say wiping her tears

"I just...this was supposed to be the best day of my life" she said moving from my embrace "and it's turned out to be the worst"

She walked forward slightly wrapping her arms around herself

"Y/n" I say walking up behind her slightly "there's been three words I've been dying to tell you.. but when I saw you with him slow dancing it tore me apart, and whenever you kissed him I was breaking"

She turned around to look at me. Tears still sliding down her cheeks

"My heart beat goes crazy whenever I'm near you.but whenever I'm around you I try to say those three words I've always wanted to for the last nine years. But every time I tried or wanted to, I remembered that you weren't the one dying to have me the way I want you" I say tears forming in my eyes

"Conor" she mumbled

"Yeah" she took a couple steps closer her lips inches from mine before she spoke again

"Say those three words" I looked right into her eyes, my heart beating out my chest

"I love you" she lent up attaching our lips. I felt her tears fall onto my skin as I moved my lips against his. My hands placed on her waist. She lifted her arms to wrap them around my neck holding me close to her

"I love you to" was all she replied with, before pulling me in closer to her.

This is what I wanted. This is all I ever wanted

Conor Maynard imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now