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Today's the day. The day that I've been waiting for since I started. The day that it all comes to an end. Today is the day I graduate.

Except today is the day I leave.the day I move on. The day that I move to La for a is the day I say goodbye

"We're here" Conor said pulling up in the car park, all the boys cheered as they stumbled out the car one by one.

"I'm nervous" I say looking at Conor

"You'll do amazing baby I know you will" Conor said leaning over to kiss me "I believe in you okay and I love you so much"

"I love you to" I say pulling away from the kiss to get out the car

"Let's graduate" all the boys yelled in sync. I felt my hat being lifted of my head and I turned around to see joe wearing it

"I'll graduate with you" he joked standing up right and walking formal making me laugh.

My gown blew behind me as I took the hat of joe, and all the friends that I had made ran towards me Squealing

"This is it y/n" y/f/n smiled as we all grouped Hugged

"Finally were graduating" y/b/n grinned "come on" she added talking my hand and pulling me of

"I'll meet you guys later" I yell to the boys. I don't know how I feel today. I feel happy, happy that all my studying is over. But as soon as it is, I'm packing my stuff and leaving for a year

Leaving all my friends, all the boys. But what makes things worse is that I'm leaving my boyfriend. My boyfriend that I've been dating for a year and a half.

God this is going to be so hard

"I done it, i graduated" I cheer running over to the boys. They all cheered as we grouped hugged

"Let's celebrate" jack yelled as they ran to the car leaving me and Conor

"Are we gonna tell them I won't be there?" I ask

"Y/n" Conor sighed

"Con" I reply, not wanting to look into his eyes

"I'm not going to stand here and tell you not to leave. But I'm going to say this, when you leave everything is going to be so much different. My life is going to change and so is yours,moving to La is such a big decision and there's so many things to think about"

"I know Conor I-"

"No let me're going to be living out there alone.for a year? What if something happens to you" he said

"Conor I promise you I'll be fine. I don't want to leave I want to stay with you, but I have to going to miss you so much" I sob wrapping my arms around him

"No you won't" he mumbled


"Baby, you don't think I could let you graduate,one of the most important day of your life and then not spend the rest of the day with you"

"Conor I'm confused" I say

"Babe" Conor hummed taking my hands in his "you're not going to La alone"


"I'm moving with you" he said and my eyes drew wide

"W-what, your joking please tell me your joking"

"No, it's better for my work out their. Me and Anth are going to be working on some stuff, and I still get to see you, we can get our own place,and not through everything we have away"

"Oh my god" I smile, I jumped into his arms and he held me close to him

"I'm so so proud of you"

"I love you so much"

"I love you to" Conor replied "forever and always" he smiled, as I attached our lips

"We're moving to La" I giggle

"Together, how it should be"

A/n: I've got another graduation one to post,that is more based on the graduation than them moving, so if you guys want I can post that also

Conor Maynard imaginesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin