Drunk mistakes

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I heard a knock on the door.i opened my eyes and grabbed my phone. 2am who could that be

I put on a hoodie and trackys before grabbing my phone and making my way downstairs.my messy bun bouncing on my head

I got to the door as there was another knock on the door.i sighed as I held my phone in my hand and opened the door....

To reveal, my boyfriend Conor

"What" I sigh

"Hi" Conor slurred obviously he was drunk

" it's 2am,and your drunk what is it?"

"I haven't seen you in a few days so i thought I would see ya" Conor said as I let him in the house, and shutting the door behind him,as he wrapped his arms around my waist

"This is the 4th time this week you've been out" I say


"It's only Saturday" I say, as I place my hands on his shoulders "one or twice is fine but it's really bad for you"

"I'm fine baby,stop worrying" Conor said

"Well don't you want to spend time with me?"

"Of course I do" he said struggling to keep his balance. Then leaning in for a kiss

"No" I say moving my head


"Because I'm not in the mood" I say,

"Babe come on" he said leaning back in again

"Conor no" I say moving out his grip

"What the hell is wrong with you"

"I'm just not in the mood.its half two in the morning and I have work in the morning"

"Doesn't mean you can't kiss me" Conor sighed

"I'm tried I'm going to bed" I say

"Okay I'll come with" he said,

"No you have to go home,and sleep"

"I have no money for an uber" he said and I sighed before walking into the bedroom

Conor changed into his boxers and climbed into bed

"I can smell the alcohol of you"

"Yeah,I've been drinking obviously"

"You don't need to be so smart" I say

"Well you didn't have to make a obvious comment" Conor yelled

"Whatever Conor" I say turning of the light and laying down

Conor reached over and turned it back on

"Stop,go to sleep" I say

"No,because your in a bad mood"

"I'm not" I say turning around to Face him

"Yeah you are because you would cuddle into me right now"

"I don't want to cuddle into you.when your drunk,and smell of....perfume" I say sitting up to look at him

"Have you....have you cheated on me?"

"What,no of course not"

"Why can I smell perfume" I ask

"Because I've been in a place where there's girls,who wear perfume, do you really think I'm that fucking stupid to cheat on you?"

"You tell me" I say sitting up to face him "you have" I say

"No I haven't"

"Conor please just tell me" I say my voice breaking

Conor Maynard imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now