Baking a mess

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"What do we need" Conor asked rubbing his hands together

"Eggs,flower and milk" You say reading of a recipe

"Got it" Conor said getting those things

"How many eggs do we have" I ask

"13" he said "oh wait no" he finished and then splated an egg on my head "12"

"I can't believe you just done that" I say and Conor laughed

"I'm sorry" he laughed pulling me into a hug. But I slyly rubbed my head on his shirt

"You sly bitch" Conor laughed and I joined in

"Can we take this seriously" I ask

"Yeah" Conor chuckled

I put the flour egg and milk into the bowl and stirred

"My go" Conor cheered and I handed him the bowl as I read the recipe

"Let me see that" I say taking over.conor stood behind me and put his Hands over mine and stirred with me

"Aren't we cute" I say in an Essex accent making Conor laugh.

"Alrighty its all done" I say

"Know what" Conor asked

"We need to put them into these cup cake holder and put it in the oven" I say "and then wait twenty minutes for them to cook"

"Cool" Conor said laying out the cup cake holders

"Alright you done" I ask

"Yeah" Conor smiled pecking lips

"Thanks bubba" I smile,I then took the bowl and began to pour it into the holders

Then I felt something heavy on my head

"You are a complete and utter dick" I say as I realised he poured flour all over me. He stood laughing at me

"I hate you" I say hitting his chest

"You've got something on your face" Conor said

"Really?" I ask and Conor laughed

I grabbed the back and threw it over Conor

"Right that was to much" Conor laughed trying to grab the bag of me

"Stop" I laugh as he tickled me

"Give me the bag" he laughed

"No" I giggle

"Fine then" he said grabbing an egg

"Do that and see what happens" I laugh but it was to late Conor splatted another egg on me

"I hate you so much" I say as the egg yolk dropped to the floor

I put the cakes in the oven and we have to wait 20 minutes

"All right lets clean this up" I say

"Babe" Conor said, I turned to look at him and he blew flour in my face

"Dick" I mutter wiping it of my Face

I grabbed the mixture that was on the spoon and wiped it down Conor's face

"Thanks" he laughed. I quickly put the flour and eggs away, "this is nice" he said wiping bits of his face and eating it

"Let me try" I laugh leaning up to lick his cheek "mhm yeah" I nod

"Told you" Conor said

Conor grabbed the spoon

"Conor" I warn as he walked up to me

"Please,I just want a kiss" he said "a long one" he smirked

"I don't trust you" I laugh

"Please" he begged, I sighed and walked over to him. He kissed me and then of course wiping mixture down my face

"I knew you would do that" I say rolling my eyes

Then he began to splat the batter at me "stop now your baking a mess" I say and Conor laughed

"Oh wow your so punny y/n" Conor said making me laugh

"Here let me get it" Conor said licking my nose.i scrunched my nose up and Conor pecked my lips

I wrapped my arms around Conor as he licked the spoon.and we gently swayed side to side

"We really need to clean this up" I say looking at the floor

"Leave it"Conor said

"We can't" I chuckle "There's flour and egg everywhere it will smell" I finish

"I know,you stink of egg" Conor said

"That's your fault" I say "would you still love me if I smelt like this everyday"

"Probably not" he smiled

"I love you to" I say

"I'm joking of course I would" he said wrapping his arms around my waist.he kissed my lips and dipped me back causing me to giggle as I wrapped one leg around his waist

"That was hot" Conor breathed after we pulled away and I giggled

I walked away to check on the cupcakes and as I did Conor smacked my butt

"Watch it maynard" I say grabbing his wrist and he chuckled kissing my neck

I took the cupcake out the oven and put them on the counter

"So were good at making these" Conor said giving me a high five

"Sorry I think I made just made a mess" I chuckle

"True" Conor laughed kissing me again

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