Periods and cuddles

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"Hello" Conor called through the house

"Living room" I called out.i was sprawled across the couch.mine and Conor's duvet across me, one empty tub of ice cream next to me, a chocolate bar and hot chocolate on the table

"Wow it's a mess In here" Conor said throwing a Sainsbury's bag at me

"Awh thanks baby" I say looking in the bag to find more ice cream. A huge chocolate bar and tampons

"It was embarrassing buying the fucking tampons,this old woman and her husband were giving me this look" Conor said breaking a piece of chocolate out of the chocolate bar of the table

"Well thank you" I say

"The things I do for you"Conor said eating another piece of chocolate

I pouted my lips and threw my arms towards him

"I've got chocolate in my mouth" Conor laughed eating another piece

"So.." I say Conor sighed before leaning down and pecking his lips "chocolate" I smile as Conor pulled away.he raised his eyes brows before walking into the kitchen area that was attached to the living room

"I have bad cramps" I say standing up and stretching

"Throw me the hot water bottle" he said and I did knocking a plastic cup over

"Shit" i laugh "I'm so thankful that was plastic"

"I didn't mean actually throw it" Conor laughed opening it and pouring the cold water out before heating up the kettle.

"Mhm thanks" I say placing the now open chocolate bar on the counter and walking over to Conor.wrapping my arms around his waist.

We walked over to the counter and he put his arms around me breaking two bits of chocolate of

He put a bit in my mouth and then I'm his, and ran his hands up and down my arms as he pecked my lips

He moved away and I sat back on the couch as he poured the water into the hot water bottle

He came back through and handed me the hot water bottle

"Thanks my dear"I say lifting up my jumper and putting the hot water bottle on my stomach

"Move up" Conor said. But I didn't move,Conor sighed and chuckled as he climbed over me and laid on the inside

"How's your cramps now" he asked

"Getting there" I chuckle "ice cream" I say reaching over and grabbing the tub.conor wrapped his arm around my waist so I wouldn't fall

"You don't have a spoon" Conor said.o arched my back and lifted a spoon from behind me

"Where you laying on that" he asked

"Yeah,it was digging into my back" I laugh and Conor chuckled trying to get the chocolate out his teeth

I opened the ice cream and threw the lid across the room

I ate a bit before taking a bit out for Conor and placed the spoon in his mouth

"Thanks" he said kissing my cheek

"I'm actually gonna kill you" Conor said

"Why?" I ask taking more ice cream

"For leaving a mess in the living room" Conor said pecking my lips and I laughed

"I'll clean it" I say

"Uh huh and when is that gonna happen" he asked

"When i finish my period" I say smiling and licking the spoon and Conor laughed.i handed Conor more ice cream before putting it away. "Oh by the way my mum's coming over"


"Because she....i don't actually" I say and Conor laughed "oh I owe her money"


"She bought me all this food,she transford it into my bank" I say and Conor nodded

"Come in" I yell as I heard a knock on the door

"Hi guys" my mum said walking into the living room

"Hi,the money's up there" I say reaching up and pointing behind me to the kitchen counter

"God it's a mess in here" my mum chuckled,as Conor moved his arm from around my waist and ran his fingers through his hair

"Exactly what I said" Conor says as I stood up to give my mum a hug

"I said I'll clean it after my period" I say

"Uh huh of course" Conor said and I rolled my eyes

"What are you guys up to tonight then"

"Night in" Conor said

"Huh can we watch that new movie err 13 reasons why" I ask

"It's a tv show and yes we can" Conor nodded

"Alright well I need to leave I'll see you guys later" my Mum said hugging me

"See ya" Conor smiled

My Mum left so I walked back over and laid in the position I was in before.

"I wish you weren't on your period" Conor mumbled kissing along my collar bone

"Me and you both" I say and Conor chuckled "shit no no"

"What" Conor asked panicked

"I need to sneeze" I say

"Why is that bad" he chuckled

"Because when I sneeze the blood just shoots out of me" I say

"Oh nice" Conor said

"It's fine,it's gone" I say and Conor laughed

"Ahh I love you y/n" Conor chuckled

Conor Maynard imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now