Our first time

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"Are you joking" jack laughed

"No" I say

"You guys have been dating for four months and you haven't done anything yet" joe asked

"No why is it a big deal" Conor shrugged wrapping his arm around my shoulder

"Because it's just not like you" josh said

"Josh shut up,we haven't done anything end of" Conor said sternly

"Can we just stop talking about it now" I say going on my phone

"Four months though like come on" jack said,and I rolled my eyes before standing up and going upstairs into mine and conors room.

God what is Their deal? So what if me and Conor haven't done anything it has nothing to do with them what me and Conor do when we're alone.

I sat down on our bed and scrolled through my phone as tears filled my eyes but I stopped myself from crying

A couple of minutes later Conor came up the stairs

"I told them to leave" conor said sitting at the end of the bed and I sighed and nodded "you okay" he asked putting his hand on my leg

"Yeah,I was just started to get frustrated with them" I say

"I know,sorry their dick heads" Conor said and I chuckled slightly, then it was quiet but not awkward silence "it doesn't bother you does it?"


"That we haven't done anything" Conor shrugged

"No,not really,I mean at some point it probably will but..I don't know" I shrug "does it bother you"

"Not exactly" Conor said and I nodded.not exactly what does that mean? Does it bother him?

"Wanna go to bed" Conor asked and I yawned and nodded.

We both got changed and climbed under the duvet cuddling into each other


I stared at the ceiling for hours,I looked down at Conor who fast asleep,gentle snores coming from his mouth.

I sighed slightly before climbing out of bed and walking downstairs onto the balcony

I sat down on one of the chairs and wrapped a cover around me

Am I not giving Conor what he wants? Does he want us to be sexually active or does he not care?

Maybe if I give him what he wants he'll leave but then maybe if I don't then he'll leave because he isn't getting what he wants

I mean yeah I do want to have sex with Conor of course I do,bed my boyfriend and that's what most people do.i just don't like the boys saying stuff about it

When me and Conor are ready to get intamite with each other then we will. We don't need the boys to make fun of us because of it.

"Y/n" Conor muttered as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders from behind me "why are you awake"

"I can't sleep" I say

"It was cold without you in bed" he sighed kissing my cheek

"Sorry"I say turning my head to meet his and peck his lips.

"Don't say sorry" Says Conor who was gently rubbing my arm "you're thinking about what the boys were saying weren't you?"

"Kinda" I Shrug

"Listen don't think about what they say because there idiots and it doesn't matter,when we're ready then we're ready,but you aren't so we can wait" he said coming to sit down in front of me "Just because we're in a relationship doesn't mean we have to have sex,we can take as-" but I cut him of

I attached my lips to his kissing him passionately, gently sliding my tongue across his bottom lip.

"Baby" he mumbled gently caressing
My cheeks.something came over me,and I knew it was the right time for me and Conor

"I love you" you mumble into the kiss

"I love you to" Conor breathed, he wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me up carrying me up stairs and laid me on the bed

"Baby are you sure" he asked as I pulled his top over his head

"Yeah,definitely" I smile,and Conor smiled back Leaning down to kiss me


"I mean...wow" Conor panted

"What have we been missing these last four months" I say and Conor kissed and laughed

A layer of sweat covering us both.as our chests rise and and fall as Conor entwined our fingers

"I think that's the best I've probably ever had" Conor said and I chuckled

"Same" I nod

"Y/n" Conor said turning to look at me


"I love you"he smiled,and I smiled back before leaning in to kiss him

"I love you to"

Conor Maynard imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now