Five years later

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Conor POV:

"Bro there she is" my best friend Alex said nudging me,I looked behind me and saw her,the captain of the cheer team, the most popular girl in this school and the most beautiful girl in this school, it was her....y/n

All the boys wanted her,but she only dates the jocks not people like me.

"Wow" I mumble.everything was in slow motion as her, and the rest of the cheer team walk past me and Alex

She looked at me and winked, before looking ahead again,my heart stopped for a moment

"Dude she just winked at me" I say to Alex

"As if" Alex laughed closing his locker

"I'm not joking" I say as we walk away

"If anything it was at me"

Five years later;

"Yesss" I say giving Alex a high five

Me,Alex and my brother jack have come out to play football.

"5,6,7,8 hitt one, hitt two and..." I heard someone yell,I turned around and saw, a girl with a group of girls infront of her,cheerleading group?

But I recognise that voice

"Bro holy shut that's y/n" Alex said

"What,how do you know?" I ask

"I know that arse from anywhere" Alex laughed,and I rolled my eyes.

It's been five years since I saw her, she's obviously now a cheer coach considering she's teaching a class wearing cheer uniform

"Go talk to her buddy" jack said

"I can't just go over" I say

Alex booted the ball in y/n direction

"Now you can" Alex said,and I rolled my eyes before jogging over

Once I was close enough, I walked over, the nerves kicking in.i've never been so nervous to talk to a car

I don't mean to brag but she must know who I am. Not because we went to school but because I'm a singer and pretty much famous, once again I don't want to brag

"Sorry, I didn't mean to kick the ball over here" I say,

"Okay take a break" she called to her class and they all sat down. She turned to face me and smile

"We went to school together didn't we?" She smiled

"Yeah" I nod back "you probably don't remember who I am though,I wasn't the most popular in school"

"No I do remember you,Conor Maynard right? Aren't you a singer now?"

"Yeah,I'm surprised you remembered, we never spoke once" I chuckled

"No,but I saw you everyday, wasn't it the last day of term we spoke?"she asked

"Not really,you just winked at me"I saw and she laughed

"Ahh yeah,I remember that" she giggled

"If your not doing anything after this,would you maybe wanna go for a coffee or something?"

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