Sacred Bone?

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"Sorry, I'm a what?" I splutter.

"Ha ha ha, Poor dear. You don't know that your a sacred bone." The old lady says with a smile.

"A sacred bone?, what is that." I say with confusion.

The old woman looked at me for a while,studying,examining me top to bottom.After five minutes of silents she speaks.

"Come back tomorrow, I'm busy know, I have two clients in five minutes" she says as she jesters me to the front door,getting up from her chair, slowly walking to the front door, opening it up,waiting for me to walk out.

I slowly walk to the front door and stop right next to the old woman.

"Who are you?" I say with calmness.

She held a blank face and looked at my face and spoke with a quiet voice.

"My name is Baba Jolly, and I'm a witch" she ends with a smile and pulls me out of her shop.In utter shock I turn my head back and saw the door closed-shut in my face.

A witch 

They were all killed......weren't they. They all disappeared when the vampires started to attack humans.

I got my sense back and start to walk to the nearest park, I could find. Walking into a field with white flowers, I smile and pick one up. Getting my phone out I took a clear,nice photo of it. I post it on Instagram and click out. Holding my phone in my hand, I walk with the white flower in the other and take a seat under an oak tree near by.

Looking around,I see little kids playing around, chasing each other. Smiling at the view I sit there,dreaming. Placing down my things, I close my eyes and slowly fade into a calm sleep.

¬Leo.....Leo.....Hey Leo......Lets play,come on........We haven't played in ages.....Leo......come on¬

¬HA HA have mud on your face........Leo,stop.........Ha ha ha....come on¬

Opening  my eye's, the sun blinds me. Adjusting my site, I look around me, the sun slowly falling down.I look at my phone and the flower, the flower looking dead next me. I looked up to see the family with the kids, start to pack up and leave. I pick up my phone and see the time. 


sighing, I look at my Instagram and see two likes.

-From Mark and Yugyeom-

Not caring I lift my phone up to the oak tree leaves above me and take a photo.Posting it on Instagram and turn off my phone and putting it into my pocket. Picking up the dead flower next to me, I soften my look at the flower looking sad.Feeling eyes I me, I look around me to see who would be looking at me, seeing no one I slowly get up.Keeping my eyes open I walk out of the park.

The pub.....that's where I need to be. I need to hunt that blood sucking vampire.

Sighing, I walk to the Black Pub, showing my ID to the security guard, who looks at me twice and lets me in. Walking in all  I see is flashing lights,people grinding on each other,music and alcohol. Lots of alcohol. Trying to make my way through the crowd I keep an eye on what's happening around me. Taking a seat at the back I blended in with everything, watching everyone's movements.

--Authors POV--

As Leo sat at the back of the pub, Leo didn't see, four boys coming into the pub, getting two in particulars, attention.One with light brownish messy hair,very dark brown; almost black eyes, pale skin,big nose and soft pink lips,broad shoulders with a tough look to it and tall. The other one is tall but not as much as the other, slim,blonde hair, same eye color as the other one and pink lips, and has that nice calmness to him.

Scared Bone ( Yugyeom X OC X Mark ) Boy x BoyWhere stories live. Discover now