Their back

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Well, Jackson it is. Jackson will be Jin's mate. 

--Leo's POV--

I saw him run, yet I had the feeling to just let him go as I watch Jin from my window disappear into the woods.

Going back to work, I start to look through other cases that may be connected with my families case or has a connection with something. skimming through nothing seemed to get my attention. Sighing in frustration I pull myself away from my desk and crash onto my bed, sleepiness taking over me. 

--Jin's POV--

I slowly made my way back to the house, when I got home Leo had already fallen asleep. I turned back into my cat form before curling back up into Leo's chest, feeling the warmth. 

Next day

Waking up to movement I open one of my eye's to see Leo getting up and heading out of the room. Slowly getting up, I stretch before jumping off the bed and also headed down stairs. 

Walking into the living room and kitchen I didn't see Leo any where. Then I spotted him at the door. Walking up closer I massage myself onto his leg to try and get his attention but it didn't work. Looking up I see his face.


I look at the person at the door and meow in happiness. 

"Hello little one" Aunt Baba says before picking me up. 

"Aunt what are you doing here, you rarely leave your shop, has something happened?" Leo says to Baba. 

Baba just gives a small smile as she speaks.

"Your..... mates.......their back.....but Yugeom and Mark haven't drunken anything, so their weak. You need to come with me." she says

"They couldn't find me" Leo says bluntly. 

"Yes and no, they are to weak to find you, they went back to your old place but found that you" she finishes, which Leo just sigh's as he quickly runs up stairs. 

"How are you my baby, I see that Leo knows who you are." she says as I meow in agreement. 

Leo started to come back down stairs, with some better clothes like grabbing his things and some extra clothes.

"What's with the extra clothes, hun." aunt says with a weird look on her face. 

Leo just points to me before speaking. " This one went out late and needs clean clothes once he turns back, he will turning back because he stinks." He says blankly while looking both at us. I just meow in annoyance. Leo just glared at me before running to his car.

"Aunt did you drive or walk?" 

"Walked." was all she said. Leo looked surprised. 

"I'm a witch hun." 

He nods, before we all went into the car.

I hop out of Baba's arms and went onto Leo's lap, who just patted my head before consecrating on the road.

The ride started out quiet before Aunt spoke. "Your not so happy to find that your mates are back." she says.

Leo who looked a little sad only said that there was a reason. 

"And whats that?" Baba says. 

"They left me, might sound pathetic but it hurts to find that they left you. unprotected, alone. Though I have Jin now, I was kinda fine being by myself." Leo says as he pats my head again. 

Aunt only nods, as the ride became quiet once again.

We made it to the shop, as I look at the shop, it looked old and ugly. Yet it suited Baba. And as if she could here my thoughts she glared at me before taking me from my brother and took me in her hands.

Leo seemed to wait a little in the car before getting out and locking the car.  Staring at him, he sensed it as he looked at me before giving a small smile. Baba and I went in together before Leo followed.

And the sight was a little sad.

--Leo's POV--

Everyone was there yet I couldn't see Yugyeom or Mark. I looked back at Baba who then pointed to a room. I rushed into see them and I almost fell onto my knees and cry.

Yugyeom looked so pale, there was no color in his eye's and lips, he looked so weak, though Mark he was a bit better, I could see that he wasn't feeling well. Yugyeom was lying on a bed while Mark was sitting on a chair next to the bed.

I quickly rush to Mark as I pull him to the bed and lade him down with Yugyeom. Both groaning in pain. 

I tried my best to not cry out that it would be OK, not knowing what would happen, I run back into the room where everyone was still waiting.

"What the hell happened." I say staring down everyone.

They just looked at me dully. Though Jackson spoke. 

"We found him, but we had run into a few problems. We all got hurt, Leo." Was all he said.

Sigh as I apologies to them before pointing to Jin.


As I ordered Jin did. And as I expected he looked horrible. 

I ruff up my hair, as I pull him to the bathroom. 

"Clean yourself." I say before heading back into the room. Everyone was surprised but Baba. I shrug before heading into the room again, but as I went in I heard Baba talk. So she knew.

I had gotten somethings to help the boys, trying to do my best but I knew what I was supposed to do, yet.......

Scared Bone ( Yugyeom X OC X Mark ) Boy x BoyWhere stories live. Discover now