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"Momo......where are you?" 

Walking into my house I chuck my keys onto the kitchen bench. Looking around I scan the floor trying to spot Momo, he always wonders off and is hard to find. 


Glancing up to where the sound came from, I see Momo sitting on top of the fridge. His yellow eyes sparkling with delight, as he jumps down onto the kitchen bench. 

"Why were you up there for?" I say as he cuddles up next to me. 


Shrugging I pick him up and head to my room. Placing him on my bed, I head to my study deck and look at the clipboard that held all the evidence, sightings, and information about my case and my mysterious uncle.

Signing I jump back onto my bed as I cuddle Momo. 

Nothing was fitting, I needed more things, I didn't even know that I had an uncle on my fathers side nor did I know that he was a vampire but how, how is he a vampire. None of this made sense. Huffing in annoyance, I get up and look start at Momo.

"OK, You need to help me now." I say to Momo as he looked straight back at me. 


"Oh come on, I need you~" I say as he starts to make himself comfortable on my bed. 

Looking at me again Momo comes closer to my face, examining me before blinking twice. 

"Thank you, I still need  to pull the story together." 

 Momo only meowed in annoyance as I rested my head down onto the pillow before Momo hopped onto my chest and putting his paw onto my forehead. Everything then went black.

( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cycUHgg0zzU ) 

~You have been a good boy I see Leo~  I hear a  familiar voice 

Everything was to bright to see, then it clear. There, like she always looked like my mother smiled at me. 

"  I see you've meet your mates which is good. Though you have  changed. You've  remembered everything I see, though not everything.  You still haven't  seen you uncle yet but you've meet Jin Soo again which is good. "

With a confused look I start speaking.

"What?    Jin died, didn't he? " I say "How are you even here, you also died, I was hoping  that Momo would play back my memories again like he did  last time, not bring up a fake thing that  looks like my mother you is dead and then starts talking about my DEAD brother."  

The woman just gives a sad small smile before continuing

"  I knew we would be attacked after your father died, I knew that your  uncle would come after you, so I  went to  the witch queen Baba Jolly your aunt to put a spell on Jin. I knew Jin would be killed so I  made sure that once Jin was killed or well  injured just once his body would react to the hidden spell on him and turn him into a cat, which is Momo. Jin wasn't human too when he was born he was different. He had abilities that  only I knew, once he was born I hid his powers, sealed  them so that one day that he would use them when it was a disparate time. He had the abilities to show past, present and future moments, he could stop time, he could see peoples future and past and thoughts, he can reset, he can erase and restore." she smiles again at me before continuing " Your uncle was angry, he hated your father,  they both hated each other, your uncle hated the bond between us humans and vampire's and wanted to kill us all, yet I saved this memory into JIn before I died and he turned, the body the hunters found was a fragment of JIn that was partly killed and  my body well that was my real body and my real soul, I'm a fragment of myself. I made a deal with your uncle that he could take my blood and soul as for Jin's as well to protect you." 


She just looks down to the white floor and smiles again 

"Jin never died he was alive all the time, he thought he did until he found himself in a cat form. You would have to talk to him. But you uncle is coming back you need to fix it all, the vampires, witches and humans. You need to fix it, you need your mates. They awaken your powers they can calm you, you need to control your powers you have. Jin will help you. Your new family will help you. Though nightmare you had Jin and I were giving you them, they are your memories that you wanted to forget that you need to remember to survive. Look I can't stay here anymore you need to find your mates even if  you don't want to right know you need too. "

"Stop your uncle, kill him."  she says again before my mother turns around slowly but stops with a "Oh" 

"Use protection to when you and your mates do you know what........and be careful when they go into heat OK, you don't want to have unexpected guest's showing up." She laughs with a big smile on her face as I blush red as a tomato and nod in agreement. "I love you Leo, you are such a beautiful boy, be strong."  she says lastly before turning fully and  starts to fade away as she walks away.

Looking into straight nothingness a tear fell down my check as I smile. 

"I will.....mother." 

With the fog cleared away more I start to see the night sky through the window as the curtains sway with the wind the blew through. And with that those similar yellow eyes came into view. I smile as we both stare at each other.

Well that was cool, so I hope everyone liked this chapter,others are coming quickly behind hopefully but anyway, lots of people don't read the author notes but you might want to read this.

Competition time

You can draw, make a trailer, slide what ever but do something about the story and email me, I will do shout outs for the next chapters and share your creativity. If you just want to share it with me and no one else that's cool as well, I won't post in unless you give permission.  So do something creative and go crazy. 

Email me at whititshine@gmail.com 

Anyway thanks for following or reading, thanks for everything.

Scared Bone ( Yugyeom X OC X Mark ) Boy x BoyWhere stories live. Discover now