The witch who killed

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- I Just want to say, if you are a fan of Krystal Jung she will be a villain in my story and I do apologizes if you don't like her as a villain but don't worry there will be a twist. But I hope you enjoy the rest of the book. Thank you-   

we ran, we ran back to Jason's place. 

Before that my mate's and I went to my place only to find a note. A note of where Jason and this mysterious person was. 

We made it to Jason's house. " Leo, if I was you I would stay here." Mark says

" No,I want to come in, I will stay behind you." I say 

Yugyeom and Mark just nodded and start to walk in. 

--Authors POV--

They start to walk in, still nothing just a ram sacked house.

Walking out to the back, to Jason's back house, the lights were on.

Slowly walking to the front door Mark and Yugyeom pull guns out of there pockets.

As they made their way in they spotted Jason,tied up on a chair unconscious.

"Jason" Leo says running towards Jason.

"Oh, I was wondering when you would show up,didn't expect you to know your mates so early." 

Leo turns his head to the voice and see,as expect,the girl at the Bubble Cafe. 

She was smiling devilishly at us, studying us, seeing our weak spots.

The witch, hops off the table, she was sitting on and walks behind Jason and puts her hands on his shoulders. 

"I have to say he is quite the charmer." She says with a evil smile

"What do you want from us" Leo say's 

"I want you dead, you and your fabulous mates out of this world. Why? Because my beloved master, has bad history with you and your families, I don't know why but I trust my master." she  finishes

Leo moves back to Mark and Yugyeom and stays behind them.

The smile on the girls face grew bigger. " The names Krystal, nice to meet you."

"We don't want to fight with you but give back Jason," Mark says nicely "And you don't want your High Queen upset about you when she hears about a witch with a vampire especially being controlled by a vampire." he finishes

Krystal didn't like what Mark said as she quickly pulled knifes out of her jacket and threw it at the three males.The males easily dodged the knifes. Mark and Yugyeom then attack Krystal, pulling there guns up and aiming.

¬Bang Bang Bang¬

They all missed. Krystal laughed as her ran and jumped out the nearest open window that she planned to have open as an escaped route. 

Running into the night Krystal, disappeared.

--Leo's POV--

We all stood there looking at the window now blowing in cold air. I didn't even realize,it was open, was I that blind.

I look back to Jason and run to him. "Jason"

"Hey,Jason, are you OK,hey wake up." I say as I check is pulse.

Still breathing.

Letting out of sigh, I turn around to face my mates. "He's not dead but I need to take him to the hospital.Can you help me with this." I say, the to males just smiled and walked to Jason's floppy body, and picked him up.

Heading out we start to walk to the hospital,but I start to feel like I'm being watched. I scan my surroundings and see nothing, but still on edge I  walk closer to Mark, who just smiles and gets closer too.

--Next day-- 

Feeling like I was losing breath,like my air was getting pressed out of me, I open my eyes. Get my vision back I see light brownish hair and white hair. My eyes widen when I see Yugyeom,lying on me with Mark on my left side.

Letting out a shaky breath out I start to speak. " Yugyeom, please....get off me.....I can't breath."

Yugyeom seemed to hear me as he slides off me to my right side and moans at the annoyance and puts his head against my neck, that sends a shiver down my back,making me squirm. Mark didn't seem happy as he slowly gets up and faces me and sees Yugyeom lying down near my neck. Mark slowly lies back down,but finds his place on my left side of my neck, and kissing it, lightly making me shiver again. I could feel both males smile against my neck.

Still tired I fall back to sleep, trying not to think about the position we were in.

--1 Hour later--

Waking by the racket down stairs, I hear thumping of feet,coming up the stairs as Bambam and Jackson burst in,but stopping, realizing Mark was here and now wanting to slowly back away but couldn't,as they ran out of time when both males beside me got up and look at the two boys standing in the front door with red eyes and in a flash of light both males at the front door were pushed out of the room and the door slams shut with a big bang.

So shocked I look at both of the males. " They are going to piss me off, if they keep being like this when they find us with Leo." Mark says as Yugyeom nods in agreement.

Mark and Yugyeom slowly get up, Mark starts to head to the door and head out but Yugyeom comes in close to my face and kisses me on the lips,winks and walks out. My face flushes up like a red tomato as I just duck under the bed covers.

After five minutes of over thinking things, I get out of bed and head to go clean myself. After my shower I go to look at myself in the mirror. My tattoo mark still looks the same as I head back into my room and grab a pair of ripped jeans and a over sized white top. Putting on some white socks, to keep my feet warm, I head down stairs.

Everyone was there except Mark and Yugyeom. " Morning Leo" JB says to me, I smile and say the same back to everyone but I get no responses from Bambam and Jackson. The two males were cuddling in a ball together just looking at the nearest wall.

"Are they OK" I say pointing to them, JB just said that it happens a few times when they disturber Mark, and sometimes Yugyeom. They probably got more shock from both of them. JB finishes.

" Well, I'm going to see my friend," I say as I grab a piece of toast and put my shoes on " I probably won't be back for a while, see you guys." I finish saying as I wave my goodbye.

I hope Jason's OK, that has to be a big shock to him. The witch. Me and my mates. What will I say.

¬  ........Your such a loving person......Leo........please.......don't do anything.......dumb.....don't make the same............mistake...........I............made........please........please......¬

Sorry this came out late and I haven't been on much, I was busy with school work. but I'm hoping that the next one will come out soon, so yeah. 

Scared Bone ( Yugyeom X OC X Mark ) Boy x BoyWhere stories live. Discover now