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¬Leo, please wake up.......wake up¬

Mark's voice rang through my head, what my cousin had said,then and there in that cell. What happened to my father, my family. He knew what happened.

I flutter my eyes open to the night sky with the stars shining brightly. "Your awake." I hear Mark saying. I turn my head still lying on the floor my body sore and unable to move. Mark had rested himself against a tree, with his head looking up at the sky. 

"You......." I say slowly but was then stopped when Mark stared at me.

"What he said was not all true. Your father you knew him as a hunter, I saw him as a murderer. Your father killed my father. Back then I didn't know you were my mate, and Baba did tell you the whole story but........ You forgot didn't you, you wanted too." I slowly nod now remembering what Baba told me. " I'm sorry.....but I don't know about the rest of your family. I only killed your father and left. I........then heard what happen to you and your family. But Baba may have gotten something wrong, it wasn't vampire's it was a vampire."

After he finished I was already sitting up and next to Mark. I lifted my head against the tree that I lied against, looking at the clear star light night sky. I huffed a breath as I then rested my head on Mark shoulder.

"I'm sorry" I Mark say once again in a very husky voice. I just bite on my lip, then lifted my head to place a soft kiss on Mark's cheek. I pulled back as I heard Mark's breath hitch. I look up to see his cheeks a light shade of pink. I gave a little smile to him before resting my head and fading into a deep sleep.

--Next day--

I woke up in my bed the next day, my mates by my sides. Everyone was down stairs when I went down even Krystal and Jason were there, In Krystal's hands Momo glanced at me before meowing. We all ate and talked about what happened but me and Mark didn't seem to bring up the fight or our little chat in the forest. I gave a little glace to him, yet he just sat there eating the food that was in front of him. 

After we finished Jason and Krystal went on there way and headed home. Everyone went back to there usual things. I started to get bored, I hadn't gone back to work and I felt really low so, I said I would be out for a bit. But the others started to worry, if I left I could be taken again. But then Mark then said I would be OK.

I head out and walked to my work place. I had slipped on my hunting clothes, then putting on a long coat to hide myself once I left.  I entered the office and pulled out some files. No my family files.


Park family file

A family of four were attacked by Vampires on December the 30th 2002, on their first son's birthday, the only survivor. The father was murdered two days before the family attack. Their second son was found brutality beaten then drained of blood. The mother was then missing at the scene but then her body was found two days later in a lake also in the same state as her younger son. The house was vandalized and abandoned only with the first son lying unconscious in the living room. The only evidence we got was a glove and one finger print that is unrecognized and not in the system. The track got cold after five years and the son was adopted by a family that was close to the Park family. The son is now under going training to become a hunter himself. The case has gone cold and will probably be for a long time. We don't know the history of the family or bad history or connections with foul players. so this indecent is unexpected. 

No more Information gathered

I close the file and throw it onto my desk as I took a seat. I rushed my hands through my hair thinking about what happened that night. I didn't remember anything, I made myself forget. I only have fragments,little bits that I get from my nightmares.

I look around the office finding no one important or anyone that stands out as I got up and headed to cupboard to find more files. I skimmed through each one until I spotted a file that stood out and caught my eye. My eye widen when I looked closer seeing my mates and the others pictures. I pulled out the file quickly, running to my desk I open the file more  and saw all of them each and everyone of them in seven different photo's. Each and everyone looking directly at the camera. They knew they were being hunted. I closed the file as I ran to the front office.

"Where the hell is everyone else. " I say to the new office lady. She just smiled and said they were all out hunting the deadly seven.


They knew about the deadly seven. I start to run. I ran out the door and tried my hardest to run as fast as I could. I ran, I needed to get back. Get back to them. They could die. I need to get to them all.

I can't let this happen 

I must get back

I ran all the way to my house. I ran in no one was home they weren't here. Where were they, where did they go. Then I saw it my mothers necklace and a note. I looked at it and read it.


We couldn't stay, we knew you would find out and come back but we left to hide, we will come back. Just stay low and do your job we are hunting someone ourselves. We know know who's after you. we can't explain now but your father had an uncle that was a vampire and apart of the council and he hated humans,your mother and father and our fathers. Don't do anything dumb please, we will be Ok and we will be back. Be safe Leo. We love you.

The deadly seven. can' can't do this to me now......not when.....not when I need you the most....all of

Scared Bone ( Yugyeom X OC X Mark ) Boy x BoyWhere stories live. Discover now