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Hello everyone, the next two of the chapters including this is going to be a bit sad, suicidal thoughts, and all that. If you don't like don't read. But another thing I just want to put out there and please do listen, but if your having a hard time, or your not thing it today or any day, please speak with someone, I don't want to get into a personal thing here but please do say something to someone if you need support. All a youth line or anyone even your parents if you need help. Don't be afraid to ask for help, there are people who are willing to listen to you. If you do need help, you can talk to me too but personal I would call a free youth line.  
Thank you for listen.

  Thank you for listen

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--Leo's POV--

It's so Dark.

I can't see anything. 


Why can't I see anything? 

Why am I here?

Why am I alive?




Where are you? 

I feel heavy. This black water that I'm in. It's drowning me.

Why can't I just die. Why can't I just kill myself here. Then maybe it would stop what ever war is going out there.

I know.

I know what's happening. 

I know what he did. 

What Jae-hyeon did.


Would my mates die if I didn't get to them, would they die if I did get to them. Would they die at the sight of me.

--Author's POV-- 

As Leo was lost in himself drowning in his own sorrow, sins and darkness, He didn't know that his mates were trying to reach him trying to get him to snap out of his hell hole and come back home. 

" LEO STOP PLEASE COME BACK TO US! " the males all yell. Shouting. Trying to get Leo to stop. 

Yet nothing worked he was unreachable.

He was lost.

But they didn't want to give up.

--Yugyeom's POV--

Swiftly dodging each attack, I only wanted to hug the poor boy in front of me.

I had turned into my two form.

With burning flame tattoo's on my arms and legs, I also had a fire shaped mark on my forehead, my hair covering the tip of it. Wearing all black, with silver stitching of my emblem of a dandelion at the back of my jacket that I worm.
( An idea of what he's and the others are wearing is at the end. )

Scared Bone ( Yugyeom X OC X Mark ) Boy x BoyWhere stories live. Discover now